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New culprit in Mac Miller's death found

Mariana Romero
4 min de lectura
New culprit in Mac Miller's death found – News – WebMediums
Mac Miller

Cameron James Pettit, 28, was captured this past Wednesday for a connection with the death of rapper Mac Miller in September, most popularly known as the ex of American artist Ariana Grande.

As indicated by the indictment documented by the Central District of California, Miller asked this vendor for an oxycodone painkiller, however, he gave him fake pills containing fentanyl, an intense narcotic that ultimately ended the singer's life.

This is how the Mac Miller murder case is solved

The trafficker, captured by the Los Angeles Police Department's Drug Control Administration, is charged with a government charge of circulating illicit substances.

The specialists detail in their report that Miller received two drug transports just two days before his death. The first by Pettit and the second by a lady in waiting.

Substituting another lady who was serving as the seller's accomplice. This later lady gave him unadulterated oxygen, hydrocodone, amphetamine, and Xanax, an anxiolytic, among other substances.

After learning of the death, Pettit communicated his regret in a message he sent to a colleague: "I am not well... presumably I will pass away in prison," he composed at the time, as indicated by an oath in the police report.

This is the new information on the shocking tragedy

Macintosh Miller died on September 7, 2018 at his home in Los Angeles (California, United States), at the age of 26. The examination, conducted three days after the occasions, found that his death was from a coincidental excess of fentanyl, cocaine, Xanax and liquor, so it was the combination of drugs and not the amount that killed the singer.

According to the clinical report of a year earlier, it was his partner who located the interpreter in his bed, hunched over and with his face resting on his legs. In addition, Criminology observed an empty liquor container on the nightstand and, in the sink, an empty jug of pills.

Police also found a rolled-up $20 bills with traces of white powder, similar to those found on the artist's iPad. According to the dissection, it was an involuntary excess. His family covered him in Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania), his old neighborhood.

That September, the rapper was going through a moment of sadness, as he told in a meeting with Vulture magazine, distributed only one day before his death. "I don't need just joy. I don't need just bitterness for the same reason. What I need is not to be discouraged. I need to have the option to have great days and horrible days, to have days when I wake up and feel great and in command".

Thus began the relapse of Mac Miller

The operator Mill had problems with drugs since his youth, but these were exacerbated when he severed his friendship with Ariana Grande three months before her death.

Immediately after the split, the rapper was caught and faced a fine of $15,000 (about 13,000 euros) for driving affected by drugs and liquor and getting in and out quickly after crashing his vehicle, a Mercedes G-Wagon, into a pool.

Following this two-year romance, Ariana Grande began dating not long after with animator Pete Davidson, 25. They were related in June 2018, despite the fact that they separated four months after the fact.

Be that as it may, regardless of being previously in another relationship, the singer constantly worried about government help from her former accomplice. In fact, after learning of Miller's death, he dedicated a post to him on his Instagram account:

"I will worship you from the day I met you at 19 and generally will. I can't accept that you're not here anymore. I really can't understand it. You and I have discussed it many times. I'm so furious, I'm upset that I don't have the option to help you or fix your grievance. I really needed to get it right. The best and most loving soul, with demons it will never deserve. I trust that you are well at this time. Rest well".

The singer had a promising melodic profession focused on rap. It hit number three on the Billboard chart the previous summer and was booked for a visit to the United States.

He began working in the business as a young man and his first achievement came at age 16, when he delivered the Blue Silde Park collection, which became the main free collection to reach number one on Billboard.

Este artículo está también disponible en español
Encuentran un nuevo culpable de la muerte de Mac Miller
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Mariana Romero

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