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Recognized TikToker dies recording a dangerous video

The renowned tiktoker Kubra Dogan has died while creating content for her followers on the roof of a building in the town of Istanbul.
The Tiktoker was dancing with her 16-year-old cousin Helen when the terrible accident happened.
Kubra Dogan and her cousin Helen
The young Kubra Dogan, a well-known TikTok influencer, was dancing to record a video with her cousin for her followers, however, the roof of the structure collapsed causing Dogan to plunge into the void.
The details mentioned by the Daily Mail, highlight that the building he was in was his home. The event was recorded on the device that Helen was holding to capture Dogan's dance movements, who unfortunately would go viral due to strong images that have been shared in the last few hours.
The roof collapse occurred because Dogan sat on a section of the roof that gave way until it broke and in this way fell into the void from a height of 50 meters.
When the event occurred, 16-year-old Helen was in shock, however, she was able to notify the police. So a doctor went to the place to only verify the death of the tiktoker.
Faced with this terrible event, the uncle of the victim Nebi Dogan, has affirmed that the collapse of the roof has been caused by the low maintenance and the poor quality of the roof.
"This is because the contractor has used cheap materials, anyone could have had an accident," he said.
Dogan's cousin, Helen, has been one of the most affected by the event since she is the one who accompanied the tiktoker and who recorded everything that happened. Since Dogan sits on the roof and poses for the device with which the video was being recorded, until the moment when Helen focuses to make a greeting and turns quickly when hearing a roar and watching her cousin fall into the void from 50 meters.
Paramedics rushed to the scene, however, they were unable to revive Kubra Dogan. Her uncle has expressed that the young woman's parents are going to make the pertinent lawsuit against the construction company for the lack of quality in the materials to which it is attributed to be the main cause of the accident, Nebi Dogan assures that the family is not going to Surrender until the culprit pays in court.
This is not the first time a TikToker has died by accident
Unfortunately, it is not the first time that an event has occurred that shocks social networks so abruptly, since a few weeks ago 23-year-old Xiao Qiumei would record his death when he was making a live broadcast from a construction crane. The young woman wanted to show her more than 90,000 followers on TikTok where she worked.
This event occurred in the province of Zhejiang, China when the live broadcast would culminate in the worst possible way on the Douyin platform (a platform similar to TikTok).