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Red alert for the outbreak of Covid-19 in Europe

The local head of the World Health Organization (WHO) for Europe, Hans Kluge, warned on Wednesday that the continent could add up to more than half a million coronavirus infections by early February 2022, if the spread pattern of the pandemic continues.
Kluge focused on 43 nations in the WHO European district, which recalls 53 states for Europe and Central Asia, including Russia and some former Soviet republics, "will face high or outrageous pressure" at the edge of the medical clinic during this time.
"According to a totally reliable projection if we stay in this direction we could have another half a million deaths from the virus in Europe and Central Asia before February 1 of a year," he said.
The leader stressed that, as of now, the European town is at the "focal point" of the pandemic, since the number of aggregated cases "is rapidly approaching 80 million in the 53 nations", and the number of deaths is practically 1.5 million.
Kluge himself warned on Tuesday that the European town is facing a "relentless winter" due to the rebound of the pandemic, and showed that last week about 2,000,000 new cases of coronavirus were registered.
"Our town is the focus of the pandemic, with a growth in transmission, hospitalizations and deaths." For this reason, he called for the immunization of all, but especially health personnel, to be increased to "keep the infection under control." In up to seven countries in the area, he said, less than 20% of health care workers are fully vaccinated.
This is how some countries in Europe are
Of the nations closest to Spain, it is the one with the least total occurrence. There are 110.8 cases per 100,000 inhabitants.
74.8% of the population is infected, although the public power has needed to carry out solid measures against people who are not vaccinated through the limitations of the contagion of the Coronavirus, around 6,000 cases every day and in the rest of Europe, Italian specialists fearfully await the nearest holiday: Christmas.
To prevent an increase in the number of infections that occur due to social issues during the festive seasons, the public authorities of Sergio Matarella focus on reinforcing the immunization technique.
In this way, it is expected to accelerate the organization of the third doses, which are already administered to people over 60 years of age and which from December will be administered to the entire population over 40 years of age.
Russia, new record of infections
Russia registered on Wednesday for the second consecutive day a record number of daily infections due to the Coronavirus with 1,239 infected, according to information from the functional community for the fight against COVID-19, which also announced 34,656 new contaminations the previous day. The highest number of infections was registered in Moscow (98), followed by Saint Petersburg (82) and the town of Moscow (55).

Since the start of the pandemic, 250,454 people have died in Russia from COVID-19, although official data on excess infections in a similar period practically double this figure.
As of today, 258,000 individuals in the nation are hospitalized with the Coronavirus, of which 30,000 are in critical condition and 7,000 in intensive care, as indicated by Russian Health Minister Mikhail Murashko.
He conceded that in 12 of the 85 regions of the country there are oxygen reserves for only two days. The welfare officer focused on the need to demand and adopt a "stronger position".
"I have not seen a single individual vaccinated and in intensive care", said Murashko, who focused on that among Coronavirus patients the level of intensive care is 3-4%.
Russian specialists attribute the recent strong expansion of diseases and infections to the forcefulness of the delta variation, the lack of severe coherence with the sterile guidelines by many Russians and, above all, to the low rate of immunization in the country.
So far, in the country that pioneered the legend of its own antiviral antibodies, only 57,256,747 residents have received the full immunization plan, putting the invulnerability of the population at just 48% of the 80% desired by the specialists.
As for the limitations, three weeks before the nation forced new interesting restrictions from the middle of the year.
These incorporate the restriction of unvaccinated people over 60 years of age until February 25, basically 30% of the representatives who work remotely and the mandatory inoculation for 80% of the workers in the administration area.
France reacts to Macron's call
The infection curve, which has increased in recent times, is like that of Italy and Portugal, but the highest of the nations close to Spain.
The incidence is 136.7 cases per 100,000 people. The immunization rate, according to which 77.5% of the French population has the entire pattern.
President Emmanuel Macron appeared on Tuesday to refresh control measures. The most important: those over 65 must receive a booster dose, otherwise, their green passes will be invalidated, and they will not be able to access the interior of bars, cafés and other relaxation spaces.
The declaration produced a new avalanche of vaccination requests: within an hour the organization had obtained 100,000 requests. By Wednesday, 150,000 had been effectively managed.
Macron expected that by mid-December it would be the turn of those over 50. In addition, the French president also declared that the use of masks will be mandatory in schools in offices where the occurrence rate exceeds 50 cases per 100,000.