The 9th anniversary of the law allowing equal marriage in Argentina is celebrated
The strong struggles and constant protests in defense of equal marriage, were for many reasons of work and union of constant forces by the LGTBI community in Argentina.
Argentina was the first country to pass the egalitarian law and became one of the pioneers in recognizing their rights.

On July 15, 2010, finally, what the community asked for, equality, was achieved. Equality before a population that points them out, he mocks them and mistreats them. After nine years of consolidated the law there are still people who are victims of harassment and abuse by homophobic people they find it hard to accept and live with same-sex couples.
After the approval of this law, a number of comments came from the people who opposed it. Comments like the family is first, not gay marriage, with this law society is destroyed ...
They pointed out and predicted the fatality and implications of the approval of respect for homosexual couples and their equality before society. It is good to fight for your rights that, of course you have, but do it in a good way with respect towards others. Well, if you want respect for yourself you must start respected, it is not to impose what you want your way is to put the matter in conversation discuss it and take the plan so that it is given. Without imposing or disrespecting others. Manifest an LGTBI leader of that time.