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The Darien plug or the jungle of death

4 min de lectura

The path of death that many are still attentive to travel, considered the most dangerous jungle in Latin America.

For many years, migrants have taken this option as an alternative to the border crossing between Colombia and Panama. However, this large green block claims innocent lives during the trajectory of the course.

The Darien plug or the jungle of death – News – WebMediums
Cross or die in the Darien Gap.

Certainly, we only know some of the lives that are lost there, statistically there is no exact number of deaths from traveling through this jungle. The path is quite difficult and what is found there is much stronger to bear.

Until 2021, more than 95,000 migrants had crossed the Darien Gap

Usually, they are Haitians, Venezuelans, Africans, Cubans and some Colombians, who usually take the risk of making this crossing with the aim of truly reaching the American dream.

However, not only do they find a large jungle block, we are talking about an area completely forgotten by government authority and where drug trafficking reigns through the guerrillas and paramilitaries.

Robbery, rape and kidnapping are also part of the journey that some of the migrants experience.

The Darien plug or the jungle of death – News – WebMediums
Tiredness and fatigue are the worst enemy.

The horror that is observed on the road creates traumas in migrants

Those who have managed to cross the jungle, portray the events they observe when they cross; many claim to observe the remains of children and adults during the tour.

For these it is difficult to overcome each step taken observing this type of scenario where the only thing they think is not to be trapped in the same way.

The thoughts that overwhelm the migrants are not to be trapped in the jungle, although they are continually torn between the heat and humidity of the jungle. Hours of road that at the time seemed to have no end.

The Darien plug or the jungle of death – News – WebMediums
The money must be present.

What must they go through?

We are talking about the great jungle block, extreme and dangerous roads, swamps and lakes that in turn are controlled by large criminal mafias that operate there.

We are talking about a jungle that comprises some 575,000 hectares between Colombia and Panama.

“In Darién there are no streets, nor really passable roads, there is no place, no corner for water or food supplies, it is simply a forgotten space”: say the migrants who have managed to cross.
The Darien plug or the jungle of death – News – WebMediums
The great jungle block.

Migrants must also pay

We talk about different payments, not only regarding the coyote that guides them on the way, but other small crossings where it is necessary to take a boat to reach the other end.

Before reaching what corresponds to the jungle, the migrants take a 50-dollar boat that transports them for an hour and a half to Capurganá, the foot of the plug, and where the journey officially begins.

This without mentioning the daring crossing that others prefer to cross by car, it has been highlighted that some cars get trapped in the Darién swamp, and it is estimated that the cost per crossing ranges from 600 to 700 dollars.

The Darien plug or the jungle of death – News – WebMediums
$50 a canoe trip.

A light at the end of the road

When finally reaching the last stroke of the route, humanitarian organizations, foundations, UNICEF, the Red Cross, among others, begin to denote that they wait for the migrants to attend to them in all aspects.

The Darien plug or the jungle of death – News – WebMediums
Unicef present in attention to migrant children.

Some organizations have even created temporary shelters for these migrants, with the function of restoring them emotionally so that they can continue on their way.

Panama, for its part, ensures that it implements protection and shelter measures for all migrants who cross the jungle block. They provide food, water and include a call system for them to contact their relatives and tell them that they arrived alive.
