The DNI is no longer valid to travel to the United Kingdom

Since October 1, the DNI will no longer be a valid requirement to enter the United Kingdom, so this document will no longer be used to access that territory.
News that could be affecting thousands of tourists who want to spend a few days in the British space.
That is why as of Friday, October 1, it will be much more difficult for people to enjoy a holiday in the United Kingdom, so as of tomorrow the national identity document (DNI) will no longer be valid to access there., except for all Spaniards who have residence.
Therefore, it will be necessary to show your passport if you want to enter British territory.
Likewise, this identity document (passport) must be valid all the time that the person is going to be on British soil. This was announced by the official sources of the Government of the United Kingdom.
Who will be able to continue accessing with the DNI?

The only people who will be able to continue accessing this territory with their DNI are all those Spaniards who have already approved permanent or temporary residence and who are part of the post- Brexit settlement program, which came into effect at the beginning of 2021.
Similarly, all those who have registered in the settlement program and who have not received any response to date, such as border workers, may present their DNI to enter the United Kingdom until December 31, 2025.
It should be noted that the new measures taken by the British Government are part of a package of rules on what will be the new operation of the border after the end of the transition period, which ended on December 31 of last year.
This measure was announced exactly two months before the UK's separation from the European Union was confirmed. Currently, the authorities still think that many people are still unaware of this information.
While all Spanish citizens may visit this territory without a visa for a maximum of six months if it is a short-term trip for work, educational or vacation reasons.
The passport as a new method to enter
As of October 1, you will need a valid passport to access the United Kingdom, but it will not be mandatory for all Spaniards as it will be for the rest of the people of the European Union, Switzerland and the Single European Area.
According to what has been mentioned by the local government, the application for the passport will allow the British authorities to guarantee greater control and better levels of security.
This is because IDs are much easier to forge, so many citizens could be entering British soil illegally.
For Spaniards who are the least affected by this situation, the cost of a passport is usually around 30 euros, either the first time or for those who have to renew it.
While it will be free for when you need to change the filiation data or if you are in possession of the large family title.
This new news has undoubtedly affected thousands of tourists who planned to travel to the United Kingdom in the coming days and who still do not have a valid passport.