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The United States approved the third dose against COVID-19 for people over 18 years of age

Mariana Romero
3 min read
The United States approved the third dose against COVID-19 for people over 18 years of age

The United States extended the authorization of boosters against the Coronavirus to all people over 18 years of age, six months after completing the first part of the vaccine; so declared the welfare authorities.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) said the approval granted by Pfizer and Moderna helped provide stronger protection against the Coronavirus.

The FDA said its decision was settled given the information on the good reaction that many people had to the two previous vaccines. Later, two drug companies reported that they had won FDA approval.

Change of procedure

People over the age of 18 who received the Johnson and Johnson single-dose antibody in the United States were currently qualified for a second dose, two months after their first vaccination.

In the case of those vaccinated with Pfizer and Moderna, the third dose was recently saved for people in a certain category : those over 65, adults in danger of promoting a serious type of the disease or those who are highly exposed to infection, for example, by his work.

This statement comes as cases increase again in the United States, with a normal figure of 85,000 new cases of coronavirus a day (up from 70,000 at the end of October), and about 1,000 deaths a day.

Some US states, including California (western), had as of now allowed the dose of support for all adults, even in the face of proposals from the welfare organization, in order to contain the spread of the pandemic before the hiking season.

Pfizer also conducted a clinical trial in 10,000 individuals over the age of 16, concluding that the booster was effective against asymptomatic contamination in more than 95% of cases in contrast to people who did not receive a sponsor.

Pfizer's antibody has a dose of 30 micrograms, as old as the essential inoculation series, while Moderna's is 50 micrograms, a large part of the initial series.


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) held a meeting Friday to discuss clinical proposals for who should request the third dose of vaccination.

The meeting should have given more thought to the national government's top welfare advisers, some of whom have raised questions about a "reassurance of a booster."

By far the majority of people who are hospitalized or die from COVID-19 are not vaccinated, therefore the most ideal method of managing the year's cold snap is to get in touch with those people, rather than helping those who They are vaccinated, say the experts of the new mission.

A likely drawback, they argue, is that vaccine-resisters may deduce that vaccines are ineffective.

Another danger is the increasing number of cases of vaccine-related inflammation of the heart (myocarditis), especially among younger men.

Both Pfizer and Moderna plan to conduct licensing studies to assess the dangers of myocarditis.

Specialists agree that supporters alone cannot solve the pandemic, while less fortunate nations, particularly in Africa, remain stuck in single-digit rates for individuals covered by their essential inoculation series.
