The US and the OAS activate the inter-American defense mechanism against Venezuela

2 min de lectura

The United States Department of State managed to sign an Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance against Venezuela. This will allow coordinated actions against the regime.

The US and the OAS activate the inter-American defense mechanism against Venezuela
"We hope to meet with regional partners to discuss the multilateral economic and political options that we can use to threaten the security of the region that Maduro represents," the State Department reported.

The actions were carried out after the United States considered the agreement that Maduro made with a small opposition group a mockery, but which was presented as a solution to the internal conflict. This agreement allows Maduro's followers to be included in the National Assembly.

However, for the White House, this decision was not raised with Juan Guaidó, who is considered the representative of the Venezuelan opposition to the United States. Hours before this statement, it was learned that Washington sanctioned at least 16 Venezuelan companies.

Now, with the Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance, it is sought that there is a rupture of international diplomatic relations with Venezuela. In addition, it allows the economic relations with this country to be reduced to zero. In other scenarios, those who have signed the agreement will be able to use the armed forces if necessary.

Every day Venezuela is considered a threat to the region, which allows the United States and the OAS to begin taking actions against the regime.

From Venezuela, they titled this news as the legalization of a military intervention against their country. Furthermore, Maduro calls this treaty an irrational provocation. For now, only Uruguay, Mexico, Bolivia and Barbados are against the Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance.

It should be noted that the vote of the latter is only largely represented by Mexico, which is constantly yielding to pressure from the United States. Although Mexico supports Venezuela politically, economic aid and relations of this nature have been canceled, to avoid conflicts with the United States.

The US and the OAS activate the inter-American defense mechanism against Venezuela
