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They find a former Ecuadorian queen dead after she published a message about suicide
The beauty queen had not communicated with her family for about five days, for this reason they decided to move to her house, where they found her without vital signs

Leslie Dayana Andrade, 24 years old, was the name of the former Queen of Otavalo, Ecuador, found dead on February 24, in her apartment, located in the capital of Imbabura.
For its part, the organization "Reina de Otavalo" was the one who made the news public, posting it on its official Facebook account. "With great pain we report as an organization, the unfortunate death of Leslie Andrade, Queen of Otavalo 2020".
The organizers of the reign also expressed that they will always remember her as a woman dedicated to work, loving and full of service at all times. "God save his soul," they added.
According to the news portal "Imbabura en Línea", since Friday, February 18, Andrade had not contacted his relatives, which seemed suspicious to them, and in view of this, they moved to his apartment, where they found the body of the former miss and immediately notified the authorities of what happened.
According to investigations, police officials reported that it was a case of suicide.
Among the evidence seized is a post by the young woman on her Instagram account, where she appears in a grayscale profile photo, looking at the horizon and writing "suicide is permanent, while the problem you are going through is temporary."

Despite the fact that the majority of Instagram users assured that the message given by Leslie was clear and gave prior notice of her decision to take her own life, other Internet users assure that her publication seems suspicious, since it appears edited in the box of text.
So far there is no information that shows signs that Andrade was going through any moment of difficulty, anguish or sadness. So the investigations will continue, with the aim of revealing exactly what happened to the former miss.