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Ukraine a week after the Russian invasion

Cesar Romero
4 min de lectura
Ukraine a week after the Russian invasion – News – WebMediums
Russia continues to attack Ukrainian territory

Russia has advanced in its domain along the Black Sea, with its sights set on the city of Odessa. This is a strategic location to reach the breakaway Moldovan region of Trasnistria.

With an exact week since the start of the war, it does not seem that the end is near. A large Russian armored convoy is getting closer to the Ukrainian capital and the bombing of strategic cities such as Kharkov, in the eastern region, has not stopped.

The southern city of Kherson, population nearly 300,000, has already been overrun by Russian troops. After this important victory, the Kremlin continues its attack on eastern cities like Mariupol or Kharkov.

From Moscow they have recognized that in the seven days of the invasion, they have had 490 casualties in their troops.

Zelenski declares the casualties of soldiers

The Ukrainian president, Volodímir Zelenski, has assured that the casualties in the Russian troops are around 9,000 soldiers. In addition, he has assured that a humanitarian channel is being developed to deliver medicines and essential products to civilians.

The president explained that most of the Russian soldiers, both seriously wounded and killed, are picked up by dozens of Russian helicopters. However, he assured that, in cities like Mykolaiv, there are dozens of bodies in the streets.

Zelensky has urged Russian troops to return to their country, " tell your superiors that you do not want to die," he concluded.

On the other hand, Zelensky assured that one of the main objectives of Russia in Kharkov is the Church of the Assumption, which currently functions as a refuge for the population.

Statements by Emmanuel Macron

The French government fears that the situation will worsen rapidly. President Macron has called on his nationals living in Russia to leave the country "immediately".

Late Wednesday night, Macron announced the danger of an escalation of the conflict. Later, on Thursday morning, the French Foreign Minister, JY Le Drian, declared that the situation is going to deteriorate rapidly.

After these blunt warnings, the Foreign Ministry issued a statement asking French residents in Russia, and those who do tourism in the country, to leave the territory "as soon as possible."

Hours later, the French president held a telephone meeting this Thursday with the leaders of Russia and Ukraine, as part of diplomatic efforts to reduce the tension of the conflict in Ukraine.

Although the content of the conversations has not been detailed, which in the case of Putin, is the third telephone meeting they have had since the Russian invasion began, Macron has assured that "the worst is yet to come".

Ukrainian exodus

The UN department for refugees, UNHCR, reported that there is a record of around one million refugees who have left Ukraine fleeing the war.

The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelete, indicated that the figure has risen to almost two million people fleeing Ukraine.

In addition, he has assured that UNHCR estimates that up to four million Ukrainians and residents of the country must flee the territory in the coming days whenever the war continues.

On the other hand, the organization Save The Children, registers data of at least 400,000 minors displaced throughout Eastern Europe, due to the war, assuring that they are in danger of suffering hunger, illness, abuse and white slavery.

According to data from Save The Children, about 40% of people who flee Ukraine to Poland, Moldova, Hungary, Romania, Lithuania or Slovakia in search of refuge are minors.

Ensuring that generally, boys and girls usually comprise 39% of the population displaced in conflicts, but in this case, as Ukrainian men stay in the country to fight, the percentage of minors may be higher.

Este artículo está también disponible en español
Ucrania una semana de la invasión rusa
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Cesar Romero

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