The most delicious cauliflower cream

Cauliflower's cream is a delicious and perfect saucer to prepare as an entrance plate, thanks to its lightness. It is also an ideal meal to prepare young children, thanks to their high concentration of vitamins and minerals.
Thanks to the form of preparation, even people who do not like the taste of cauliflower will love this recipe for the way it is prepared. This is because you almost do not feel the taste of the cauliflower.
A good way to accompany this recipe, is with branches of parsley cut and added on top of a decoration. You can also add some chopped cheese if it is considered more daring.
Next, we will explain how to make the Cauliflower cream recipe, including some additional recommendations to guarantee a perfect dish.
Ingredients of cauliflower cream recipe
A half kilo cauliflower.
2 leeks previously peeled and chopped.
25 grams of butter.
1 tablespoon of flour.
A quarter of a liter of vegetable broth (can be from pill).
4 tablespoons of milk cream.
Salt to taste.
Ground white pepper to taste.
Technical details of the recipe
The ingredients are arranged so that the recipe allows 6 servings of cauliflower cream. That is, this recipe can eat 6 people. In case you want to prepare cream for more people, just increase the portions of the ingredients of the recipe.
The amount of calories from this recipe is 82. Thanks to its low proportion of calorie, it is ideal For those who want a healthy diet.
Thanks to the vegetables that intervene, it is a saucer with great protein content and great concentration of vitamins and minerals, so it will be perfect for young children.
Recommendations before starting preparation
Gather all the ingredients and try to have them all at hand to avoid delays in the preparation of the saucer.
Try choosing the cooler cauliflower and asparagus for this recipe. If it is possible to cultivate them yourself, or buy it directly from whom the crops will be better.
Avoid buying vegetables that have been cultivated with pesticides, as these can be toxic and harmful to health.
Steps for the preparation of cauliflower cream
Cut the cauliflower and wash it with plenty of cold water, as this will make it stay fresh throughout the preparation.
Place a pan with plenty of water and add salt. Place it on the heat for 5 minutes. Subsequently, remove it from the fire.
Place the cauliflower under the tap and let it cool.
Cloke a new pan on fire and add to this butter until it melts. Once melted, brown in it the leeks.
To La Pan, add the flour, give a few laps and incorporate little by little removing. Subsequently, add the vegetable broth and also remove constantly.
Add the cauliflower and let this cook for 20 minutes exactly.
Remove the casserole from the fire and pure its contents on The Pasapure, in order to achieve a homogeneous blend. In case of not having this device, simply beat energetically with the help of a spoon crushing lumps. Another good option is to take the mixture to the blender.
Bring the saucepan again and warm it over medium heat. Add the cream and season with salt and pepper to taste.
Once cooked, serve the cream on the dishes and add if you like with fried bread squares. You can also add a bit of chopped parsley to decorate. These add-ons will enhance the taste of cauliflower cream.

Variations in the recipe
Can add to the saucer once prepared, pieces of fried bread, slices of hard bread or pancake pieces.
A good combination are the chickpeas prepared previously and add them to the cream as an additional complement.
In some cultures add pieces of hard cheese or semi hard chopping.
You can add chopped tomatoes, but remember to wash them and take out the seeds in advance.
Other Good option is to add a little white wine or sherry, in what do not get to consume children, because this will give you a special touch to taste.
Try to add Garlic and Onion to Recipe, Bringing them And adding to butter after melting, to let them get a little brown. When you are transparent, just add the other ingredients and continue with the recipe.
You can also add bacon or smoked pork chops to the cream.
Recommendations and final advice
Serve the cauliflower cream immediately while it is hot, because it is the best way to enjoy it.
Always as a first light dish before the main saucer.
At the time of Serve, decorate to your liking, adding the perfect complements to highlight the taste of the cream.
What to do if there is a bit of cauliflower cream?
In case there has been a bit of cauliflower cream, which has been left from the plate of a diner, can store it in a plastic or glass container with a lid. Take the cream to the refrigerator and there it will be preserved at most 36 hours. After this time, it will be best to discard it.
To consume it again after refrigerating it, just warm it into the microwave or simmer in a saucepan and consume. In case the soup has been tested by a diner and was half-eaten, discard the rest, because if the guard becomes bitter.
Conclusions of cauliflower cream recipe
Cauliflower's cream is a delicious and light dish that is perfect to surprise your friends, family or guests with a nutritious entrance. Thanks to its great concentration of vegetables, few caloric ingredients, it is very healthy food.
It is for all this that we recommend encouraging you to prepare this recipe and add your personal touch, testing the combinations and variations of recipes mentioned above. With this recipe, there will be no excuses not to eat vegetables and start a healthy diet.