Colin Jost and the "caresses" to Scarlett Johansson

Colin and Scarlett were undoubtedly already in need of a vacation, after a lot of work and of course their time has come.
Recall that after several failed marriages by Scarlett, it seems that she has found a new love with whom she plans to spend a long time because they have decided to get engaged for several months.
At the San Diego Comic Con that took place last month this beautiful actress finally let us see the impressive ring with which Colin conquered her and recently the couple has decided that it is time to leave the long dresses and suits for enjoy the sun, sea and sand in a bathing suit in the Hamptons, New York, USA, where they were captured very romantically thanks to paparazzi.
But... When I say romantically I mean rather another type of "caress", because Colin did not hesitate for a second to place his hands on the body of this actress who gives life to the black widow.
That was not all because another of the things that attracted attention and that his fans love of course, was the great tattoo that would look perfect with her swimsuit, without a doubt Scarlett looks phenomenal no matter what she is wearing.