Justin Bieber praises the image of Hailey Baldwin on Instagram, and they fall on him

 Jender Milano
2 min de lectura

The lives of celebrities are more tangled than it seems: If they do or don't do, there will always be a way to criticize them, is what happened to Justin Bieber when he wanted to give a show of affection to his wife, uploading an image of Hailey Baldwin on Instagram highlighting how good she looks without the need for makeup. Apparently many took the gesture the other way.

Beauty and image are not the most important thing, they told Justin

That was the impression that he gave to many people who, in the comments reminded Justin that it is best not to show off appearances, since it is not the most important thing, in particular a response from a "Christian?" Account, who's The message had such an impact that Justin responded directly to them in the IG conversation.

Justin Bieber praises the image of Hailey Baldwin on Instagram, and they fall on him

The singer made it clear that he is proud of his wife, that he does not see anything wrong in it and that if everyone did the same, relations would be much better, more or less words was his message not only to respond to the criticism in a frontal way, but to defend his gesture to Hailey Baldwin.

Millions of fans supported Justin

But Justin Bieber was not without support, apart from the likes of the publication, which is approaching 3,000,000 "likes", thousands of supportive comments on the networks show that the gesture was appreciated. In the photo, Justin's wife, just 22 years old, is apparently in front of a mirror after washing her face, so she does not have any makeup effect, and she really looks beautiful.

It does not matter if he is criticized or not, the gesture was genuine and Hailey Baldwin thanked him immediately with a message on Instagram, so the most important thing, which is the happiness of both, remains with a completely positive balance.

Justin Bieber praises the image of Hailey Baldwin on Instagram, and they fall on him
