Kourtney Kardashian shares a photo on her networks without retouching and everyone thanks her

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The Kardashian is undoubtedly a group of women who are always talking about because their lifestyles, large sums of money, beauty and "perfection" in their bodies are constantly on topics to talk about.

Kourtney Kardashian shares a photo on her networks without retouching and everyone thanks her

It is said that most of the photographs shared by the clan are full of edits and Photoshop and many reveal the surgeries that some Kardashians have done to show off a better body, this is evidenced by comparing photos from before their fame and / or prestige, logically when comparing these photos with those of before their famous lives they did not look like that.

The eldest of the Kourtney Kardashian sisters at 40 years of age shared a photo in a bikini in the media, a photo of her natural and without retouching. In it, we see a "fitness" body and its stretch marks that do not bother him at all and that, on the contrary, he looks proud.

After sharing the photo, many applauded her for showing herself as she is without filters and some of the comments they made to the businesswoman were:

"I love that we can see these stretch marks... finally a normal body"

"These stretch marks give me life at the same time that they help me accept mine. You're incredible".

As you might imagine, businesswoman Kourtney also expressed her gratitude for the comments and said I love my stretch marks! The oldest of the Kardashians has already spoken about her life on other occasions and what it is like to live a normal life without filters.
