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Residente discusses his song 'This Is Not America' on Amazon Music

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Residente discusses his song 'This Is Not America' on Amazon Music
Residente discusses his song 'This Is Not America' on Amazon Music

The rapper from Puerto Rico has been the center of great controversies that reggaeton and exponents of the genre in recent years. The media has focused on the singer-songwriter again, since, a couple of days ago, he released a new single called ' This Is Not America' that went viral.

Residente's theme has caused a lot of controversy in the urban genre, because it has deep lyrics and many listeners have misunderstood it, to turn against the artist.

Therefore, Residente decided to join a question forum on the official Amazon Music channel on Twitch, to clarify his idea.

The Amazon Music interview was moderated by music journalist and rapper 'Rob Markman', also joined by Oscar-nominated actor (Judas and the Black Messiah) ' LaKeith Stanfield'.

In the question session they talked about the process of creating 'This Is Not America' which was 18 months in development.

About Residente's interview with Amazon Music

In the first session of the interview, resident proceeded to explain that he would be speaking in English because his Spanish-speaking followers "understand that America goes beyond North America."

He also mentioned that his goal is for his message to reach millions of people in the United States.

The author of 'Latin America' during his statement emphasized that many people around the world refer to the United States as the entire American continent.

"We want to be included, and the way we should be included is not to be excluded, because we are being excluded every time you refer to the country as 'America,' it's a small detail, but it works in your psychology," Residente said during his broadcast alongside 'Rob Markman'.

In addition, the artist continued his message informing all his followers that he is working together with linguistic experts from prestigious universities to find a suitable term.

“The fact that they only refer to the United States as 'America' is just another form of colonization,” Residente observed.

Actor LaKeith Stanfield and Resident continued the conversation and touched on the topic of white privilege, referring to the racial discrimination that exists in communities. Both artists called on all viewers of the live, so that all our communities join.

LaKeith Stanfield calls on the United States to reflect

The end of the Twitch question session was carried out by the American actor LaKeith Stanfield, who made a message to the United States for the awareness of influential people. Since, these are the people mostly responsible for discrimination in South America.

“More of us are connected through things that are more tangible than the way we are separated by simple titles and names, land masses, geographic lines. Imaginary lines that are drawn in the sand to say 'This is your part, and this is our part'”.
“Many times when we talk about America we refer to the US; And we don't often mention South America, or even Canada as the Americas, the landmass. I think it's good to point that out because it makes people pay attention to the words we're using," Standfield told Amazon Music.






