Revealing alleged boyfriend of Geraldine Bazán

Apparently the actress has decided to open once again the doors of his heart.

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Revealing alleged boyfriend of Geraldine Bazán – Showbiz – WebMediums

After seeing them together on several occasions it has been speculated that he would be the new illusion of Geraldine, the last time they have appeared together was in Mexico City at the concert 90s pop.

It's about the actor and singer Santiago Ramundo 34 years old and although they tried to pass unnoticed many people noticed the treatment and attention of the actor towards the actress, so he published recently TV Notes.

Revealing alleged boyfriend of Geraldine Bazán – Showbiz – WebMediums

It is important to note that after her divorce the actress told the press that at the moment she did not intend to fall in love and have a partner, apparently she has changed her mind because TV Notes several friends have revealed that they have gone partying and to places together, she says that everything is going calmly.

It was also commented that during the concert they stayed well together and when they realized that someone could take a picture of them, they separated again.

So far the actress has not wanted to confirm any relationship, perhaps it could be rumors as happened with David Zepeda.

For its part Santiago Ramundo who participates in the reality Look who is dancing he did not want to comment on the rumors. Only time will tell us the rest and how this story will end.
