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Twins married to twins had children who look like two drops of water

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Twins who married twin brothers four years ago have drawn attention on the internet by revealing that their children are not cousins, but identical twin brothers.

Twins married to twins had children who look like two drops of water
Parent sets enjoy doing everything together, even living in the same house

Sisters named Brittany and Briana married other twins, whose names are Josh and Jeremy Salyers.

At the time of having joined their lives, the twins became pregnant and gave birth to two boys who are only months apart, but have the identical physique, as if they were twins.

The news broke when the girls uploaded a post to their Instagram accounts in which they taught their offspring Jett and Jax, and in which they shared that they are "cousins, genetic brothers and quaternary twins."

Twins married to twins had children who look like two drops of water
Jax and Jett are biologically and genetically considered cousins and siblings.

Immediately began the comments of the people impressed with the news and others did not understand the situation and did not believe that this was possible.

"Their parents are totally identical twins. Both sets of parents had children. Having the same DNA, both children are genetically siblings," one person explained in one of the comments.

There were many opinions regarding the case, but most were positive and admiring of the family and the beauty of the babies.

Thus began the story of these unique twins

Twins married to twins had children who look like two drops of water
Both couples met on the same day and were married six months later.

The two sets of twins met at a twins festival held in 2017, shortly after the romance began and six months later the gentlemen proposed to the sisters.

They had their wedding on the same day (August 5, 2018), they decided to live in the same house, located in Virginia, United States. And also in parallel they are multiplying together as a family.

When they found out they were pregnant, both couples broke the news on their shared Instagram page, where they posted that both couples were pregnant. And from that moment they shared with all their followers the evolution of pregnancies, as well as the revelation of the sex of the babies.

The children were planned by both couples

This kind of co-pregnancy is strange to many, but Brittany and Briana told Australia's Today before getting pregnant together that they planned to do it at the same time.

Both couples even planned the best time to be intimate and thus achieve their goal.

Twins married to twins had children who look like two drops of water
The couple planned to get pregnant at the same time

"We have experienced most of the milestones of our lives together. Birthdays, getting a driver's license, graduations and our wedding. Getting pregnant together will be the next big thing," one of the twins said in the interview.
