Who is the Leonardo Di Caprio of literature?

Suria Ibañez
2 min read

Many times' life is not fair, and you are not recognized as it should and that was what many fans of Haruki Murakami considered what happened to him. Without a doubt in many people it is incredible that Haruki Murakami will not win the Nobel Prize for Literature.

Who is the Leonardo Di Caprio of literature? – Showbiz – WebMediums

Haruki Murakami is left without the Nobel Prize for Literature

As happened with Leonardo Di Caprio, who was constantly nominated for the Oscars but never won, or like the Cruz Azul soccer team, who has reached the finals without ever winning them, so happened with the famous Japanese writer Haruki Murakami.

Who is the Leonardo Di Caprio of literature? – Showbiz – WebMediums

Haruki Murakami wrote several books that have been positioned among the public's favorites, among which are; 1Q84, South of the Border, The Colorless Boy Pilgrimage Years, Tokyo Blues, and more. His fans consider that the fact that Haruki Murakami does not win the Nobel only increases his popularity.

After the loss of the Nobel Prize in Literature, Haruki Murakami became a trend on Twitter and triggered many memes. In fact, it caused more fury and fame than the real winners who were the novelist and short story writer Olga Tokarcxuk and Peter Handke about whom there is not much information.

The followers of this great writer consider that it was unfair that Haruki Murakami left without the Nobel Prize for Literature when he has already been nominated several times. However, they also expressed their support along with many memes that, as already expressed before, only increases the popularity of this great writer.

The most famous memes were where he is shown with a Blue Cross shirt, some comments were also made hinting that we are all Haruki Murakami in life that resemble the Nobel Prize.

Without a doubt we hope that the Nobel Prize in Literature will come to this great writings because it deserves it.

Who is the Leonardo Di Caprio of literature? – Showbiz – WebMediums
