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Top 5 highest paid influencers on TikTok
They are able to influence, persuade and charm large masses of people.
Today we can see various types of influencers on social networks or browsing the web. There are them on YouTube, Instagram, Facebook and even TikTok; the latter is the most recent of the social networks, it has increased in popularity in recent years.
Influencers are people who are passionate about a particular topic or are developing something, and they expose all that creativity, ideas, work, projects, and what they like to do on social networks. They are able to influence, persuade and charm large masses of people.
In TikTok there is a ranking with the best tiktokers in the world, who has more followers or earns more money. Here we present them to you!
The best tiktokers in the world
Charlie D'Amelio
She is a young American known throughout the world for her tiktok videos, generating annual earnings of up to 17 and a half million dollars. Being thus the best paid in this social network, despite her young age, her success has been so great that she has exceeded 43 million followers, and has accumulated more than 2.8 billion likes in a short time.

Her rise to fame began by making a duet with the tiktoker move with joy, a video where D'Amelio replicated her movements similar to a dance tutorial, this catapulted her to stardom and she managed to go viral reaching a million views.
D'Amelio herself acknowledged that this success took her by surprise and she began to create her own videos and thus her followers grew.
Dixie D'Amelio
The older sister of Charli D'Amelio, is another of the most important tiktokers in the world and generates an amount of 10 million dollars annually, considered the second best paid after her sister.
Dixie's career began after her younger sister became popular on tiktok, thanks to a recording with another user imitating dance steps, she gained more than 5 million followers in less than a week.

Dixie is doing very well on tiktok, but it must be recognized that her sister's popularity has given her a boost, without affecting their relationship, since that has not been a reason for envy, and they have even shared content together, and so little little by little he has gained his own fans.
Even big brands and companies have wanted to work with her to make promotions.
addison rae
Another young American who has become one of the main tiktok stars and one of the most famous influencers worldwide, earning up to 8.5 million dollars, being the third in the tiktok ranking.
The story of her path to stardom is similar to that of her good friend Charlie D'Amelio, another great tiktoker.
In July 2019 he downloaded the app and created his “addisonrae” account just to have fun recording a couple of short videos.
His first post was with a friend and in a short time he got more than 90 thousand likes, going viral.

She was the first surprised at her success, but she immediately knew how to take advantage of it and not miss the opportunity by continuing with her dance publications and others, even inviting celebrities to her videos.
Bella Poarch
He is a star of social networks, specifically of tiktok, where in less time he has managed to gather a huge community of followers around the world, earning income of 5 million dollars a year.
Not much is known about her private life, only what she shares on the internet, born in the Philippines in 2001, she lived there until she was 13 years old and then moved with her family to Hawaii, where she still lives today.
His particular career on social networks began in April 2020 when he opened his tiktok account, by the end of June he had just under 1 million followers and from there his takeoff was meteoric.

Taking advantage of her popularity, she uploaded a video of just 10 seconds that exceeded 350 million views, placing her among the most viewed on tiktok, which made her world famous.
Josh Richards
A young Canadian born in 2002 who is one of the biggest tiktok influencers, who according to the ranking has annual income of up to 5 million dollars, making him the fifth highest paid on this social network, but number 1 among men. on tiktok.

Well known for making comedy and dance videos and also for taking on challenges from the latest trends on social media.
Thanks to that fame, he was able to gain momentum in the world of acting by appearing in Netflix series and fulfill one of his dreams of being an actor.