Did you know that powdered water exists ?: The Mexican invention that seeks to end droughts

6 min de lectura

It is impressive how human beings have managed to create great inventions to improve the quality of life on earth, an example of this is the polymer created by Sergio Jesús Rico Velasco, a Mexican engineer who has found a way to retain rainwater and make it solid.

Although for many it seems crazy, powdered water is real and in this post we bring you all the details. Do not miss it!

How did this invention come about?

In Mexico, the prolonged droughts caused by global warming have done their thing, strongly affecting the agricultural sector, where workers have had to cultivate in extreme climates.

To help solve this problem, a polymer has been created that retains rain, is biodegradable and reduces water consumption by 90%.

Without a doubt, powdered water has come to revolutionize the agricultural sector and food production. It can even play a key role in expeditions in outer space.

Did you know that powdered water exists ?: The Mexican invention that seeks to end droughts
Photo by Gabriel Tovar on Unsplash

What is grain water about?

Rico Velasco is an engineer graduated from the National Polytechnic Institute in Mexico (IPN) which developed a chemical substance capable of absorbing large amounts of rainwater, turning into something solid and slowly degrading over a year.

This polymer is made from biodegradable (non-toxic) potassium acrylate, which results from a polymerization process.

To give you a better idea of the potential of powdered water, this incredible product can retain up to 200 times its weight in water for 6 weeks.

In Mexico, Rico Velasco's company has been selling solid rain to the domestic market for more than 10 years and has begun to expand its operations around the world. More so now that concern about water scarcity is growing rapidly.

Velasco has disclosed that this polymer works by encapsulating water, taking between 8 and 10 years in the soil, depending on the quality of the water.

The purer it is, the longer it will take to disappear.

Powdered water and its effect on the environment

There are many doubts about whether powdered water is the best solution for droughts, because like any great invention many people have studied it and evaluated the repercussions that it can bring.

However, today it is considered a non-toxic product, which does not affect the ecosystem.

Did you know that powdered water exists ?: The Mexican invention that seeks to end droughts

Since its inception, Rico Velasco has placed great emphasis on pointing out that solid rain is completely natural and does not damage the earth or the environment where it is used, even if its use is quite prolonged.

In his statements Velasco has said that “Our product is not toxic, it is composed of a bis acrylamide.

After degrading, the substance becomes part of the plant and is not "toxic" at all, the company manager concludes.

Powdered water has been received with great praise throughout Latin America and other continents of the world, among the countries that are in full use of this new technological advance are Argentina, Mexico and Spain.

Thanks to this, farmers have managed to considerably reduce production costs and simplify many processes that require hydraulic infrastructure.

How does solid water work?

If this is the first time you've heard about powdered water, you probably don't know how it works.

The truth is that as it is an innovative and little-known project, it can be difficult to understand how it operates.

To give you a better idea, we bring you a short list that will provide basic knowledge of how it works:

  • The gel is buried in the soil at the root level and when it rains it encapsulates the water turning it into something solid.

  • The water remains in a solid state while the plant consumes it according to its needs.

  • Once the humidity in the polymer has finished, it returns to its initial state until it rains again.

  • The dust can sustain this process for a period of 8 to 10 years.

According to Sergio Rico, only the amount of 25 kg of product is required per hectare of crop, managing to save 80% of water.

Science doubts about the use of polymer

Despite the fact that the use of powdered water has been considered as an alternative for drought, not everyone is convinced if solid rain is the solution to this problem.

Linda Chalker Scott is a professional researcher graduated from Washington State University, in the United States. In his recent studies is the evaluation of the secondary effects of solid rain.

Linda states that "They are not new products and there is no scientific evidence to suggest that they can retain water for a year or last 10 years in the earth." In addition to this, the researcher has concluded that this gel can cause both harm and benefit.
Did you know that powdered water exists ?: The Mexican invention that seeks to end droughts

Side effects of grain water

A problem that is present is that the gel as it dries, begins to absorb the water from the surroundings with much more force. Therefore, it can get to take the water from the plant through its roots.

Chalker Scott has made sure to carefully study the effects that solid rain can cause. One of his most important studies was in the city of Seattle with transplanted trees, there he observed that the effects of chip compost were just as effective as powder or gel, being a fairly inexpensive alternative.

However, the creator of this product still maintains that solid rain is different.

In addition, it is known that products made with potassium are considered the best on the market for their effectiveness and relationship with the environment.

Although science is not yet completely convinced of the benefits offered by products of this type, many producers around the world are becoming interested in acquiring grain water.

Countries like the United Kingdom have begun to use powdered water as an alternative to reduce costs and take care of the environment.

And what do you think about solid water, do you think it will be the best alternative to save water and face droughts? Let us know in the comments!
