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The new WhatsApp function to find places near you, do you know how it works?

3 min de lectura

WhatsApp has made a great announcement regarding its platform and the possibilities of using it, since throughout this year, the popular instant messaging platform has presented to the public a large number of news, among which are: following:

· Multi-device mode.

· Audio playback at twice the speed.

· Temporary messages.

· Photo downloads in better resolution (HD)

However, the company is preparing to give the public a new tool with which to search for businesses or commercial premises that are near your location.

The renowned director of WhatsApp, Will Cathcart has revealed to different technological media that WhatsApp users will soon have the possibility of finding the businesses closest to their address through the application, as long as these micro-companies are using the WhatsApp Business tool.

He also reported that at the moment this tool is available only for Brazil, more specifically in São Paulo. However, Cathcart also assured that ideal candidates for such a tool could be countries like Indonesia and also India.

The new WhatsApp function to find places near you, do you know how it works?

How to search for nearby businesses on WhatsApp?

This tool is based on a directory which is supported by the location where you are; a function quite similar to that of platforms such as Telegram. All this with the sole purpose of being able to find other users who are close to the place where you are. However, the WhatsApp platform will be exclusive to see and locate businesses that use the Business version. It is important to clarify that this platform will place all the premises in order by categories such as: restaurants, shops, local services, etc.

Because WhatsApp has end-to-end encryption, the top managers disclosed the fact that the application will not have any type of access to the companies you see in the application, much less your location.

However, doubts still do not cease throughout the community

In a publication in which the measure to be taken by the company was announced, some of Facebook's engineers expressed concern about a change in the design of the WhatsApp software.

This is due to the current version that uses each of the smartphone applications as the main device, which makes the phone a powerful source of all the data that the user has.

WhatsApp Web and other applications, which are not compatible with smartphones, are essentially like a "mirror" of everything that happens within the main phone.

However, this system has significant drawbacks which for many users are common, since the web application tends to disconnect constantly. Likewise, this means that only within the so-called " complementary applications " it is possible to be active at the same time. For this reason, loading WhatsApp on another device will cause it to disconnect immediately.

Technically, the solution for this was to give each of the registered devices an "identity key" in order to implement greater security controls. That also means that the company does not have any need to store messages within its own server, since this in the long term could generate various privacy problems.

Although the new updates and new features of the system excite many users, it is known all over the world, that the privacy and security of the data of hundreds of users in the world, are on the edge of the table, if they do not take the correct protection measures for it.
