Xiaomi: Know the bad habits that affect the battery of these devices

11 min de lectura
Xiaomi: Know the bad habits that affect the battery of these devices
Tricks to extend the life of a Xiaomi battery

The use of Xiaomi equipment has spread remarkably around the world, since the products of this Chinese brand founded in 2010 are characterized by being very economical for their specifications. Reason why there are more and more clients of the company.

But, despite the fact that many Xiaomi models guarantee a high-quality battery, the truth is that you also have to take care of it to preserve the useful life of your mobile phone. Emphasizing that, as in all devices, the Xiaomi battery is one of the most essential components.

As a consequence, it is ideal to pay attention to loading habits, because bad habits tend to impair your loading capacity and at the same time, minimize the overall operation of the terminal.

For this reason, you will be interested in knowing the tricks to have the battery of your Xiaomi smartphone in its best health.

5 tips to conserve the battery of your Xiaomi equipment

Xiaomi: Know the bad habits that affect the battery of these devices
Learn how to conserve the battery of your Xiaomi

Luckily, keeping your smartphone's battery in the best possible condition is not a difficult or complicated task. Then, with the following very important tips, you will realize this in order to conserve the battery of your Xiaomi :

1) Discard any poor quality transformers

To save money or take advantage of discounts, many users choose to buy cheap, unbranded transformers that, for a low price, promise high load power. However, the truth is that they are of low quality.

So, do not forget the popular saying "cheap ends up being very expensive" and better throw away any poor quality transformer. Since, by nature, they are not capable of providing adequate security levels to take care of the operation of your smartphone.

2) Do not use it while it is charging

Lithium batteries are of high temperatures and, in effect, heat is a great inconvenience that prevents the possibility of prolonging their useful life. Therefore, if you use your Xiaomi device while charging it, they may produce a harmful effect that minimizes its operation.

Keep in mind that, if you avoid doing this, you will also prevent the temperature of the battery of your terminal from rising noticeably to the point of stressing it more than necessary. Well, in addition to receiving a charge, it will have to provide enough energy for its use and this translates into an effort multiplied by two.

3) It is not mandatory to charge the equipment to 100% to use it for the first time

Many point out that it is essential to have to charge a mobile device 100% the first time it is going to be used or even charge it overnight to take care of its battery. But, this is a myth that you can end up damaging said component of the cell phone.

Consequently, it is not necessary to have to charge it 100% at that time. Since, modern batteries are made of Lithium polymers that lack the old memory effect, which forced cell phones to be fully charged for the first time, since the batteries were made of Nickel-Cadmium.

4) Choose to avoid extremes when charging your battery

As you already know that current batteries are not manufactured in Nickel-Cadmium and do not follow the memory effect, you must avoid extremes when charging your Xiaomi battery. Since Lithium batteries do not usually get along very well with the limits, because this requires more effort.

As a result, it is best to avoid a very low or very high level of charge. This means that, by maintaining a charge level between 80% and 20%, you will be able to preserve the useful life of this accessory and prevent it from suffering any damage in a short time.

5) Do not constantly use the wireless charging bases

Because wireless charging uses induction technology, this functionality tends to give off more heat than usual and therefore has a negative impact on battery life.

It should be noted that, the same goes for fast charging. Given that it is also related to high temperatures and in modern equipment, they generate great heat that can end up affecting them in a very short time.

What are the bad habits that deteriorate the battery of a Xiaomi?

Xiaomi: Know the bad habits that affect the battery of these devices
The worst habits that deteriorate the battery in Xiaomi terminals

After knowing the most successful recommendations to extend the useful life of your Xiaomi mobile battery, it is time to know what are the negative habits that deteriorate this element in order to avoid them from now on :

  • Charging the equipment from the USB port of another device : This practice notably raises the general temperature of your smartphone and as if that were not enough, it tends to take a long time to charge. Therefore, it is best to charge the terminal with its own charger.

  • Use a charger that is not the one indicated : You should never resort to those chargers of doubtful origin or poor quality. Because an element of this type with poor quality finishes or components and with energy leaks provide a stable voltage that, apart from affecting the battery, compromises the state of other components of the device.

  • Let the computer charge overnight : Although the operating system itself takes care of stopping the power supply when necessary, the mobile device only has to be charged when it requires it. Therefore, it is best to avoid leaving it charging overnight, as it will suffer degradation from constant voltage input.

  • Always opt for fast charging : In the long term, the fact of extremely abusing fast charging tends to minimize the useful life of the mobile. Since, according to experts, for every 500 full charges through this system, there is a 10% loss of equipment performance. Therefore, if you can avoid it, it is the best to improve the performance of the battery.

  • Overprotect the device while charging : When a mobile device is receiving a charge, it needs to dissipate the excess temperature and indeed, if it is covered or overprotected, it will automatically be affected by a harmful thermal change. Therefore, we advise you to load it outside the book covers or under an element that accumulates heat.

  • Make disassemblies to install other alternative batteries : Unfortunately, this action causes the breakage of components that affect both the battery and other elements of the mobile. Added to this, it means losing the warranty from Xiaomi and exposing the equipment to possible incompatibilities.

The definitive tips to optimize the battery of your Xiaomi mobile

Beyond protecting the battery of your Xiaomi by preventing certain bad habits and following tips to extend its useful life, you also have the possibility of improving the operation of said component to have a better experience with your terminal. Here are the best tips for successful optimization :

Track energy usage for potential problems

Xiaomi: Know the bad habits that affect the battery of these devices
Xiaomi power usage tracking

If you notice that your mobile device now consumes more battery than usual, and you want to reverse this without running any risk, first, it is essential to detect where the problem is. For which, it is pertinent to carry out a detailed monitoring of energy use.

Fortunately, the Xiaomi operating system known as MIUI, allows you to carry out this process easily through the "Battery and Performance" section.

There, you can use the "Battery usage statistics" option and view all the details of the power consumption to discover the problem that exists.

Enables energy saving in certain applications

Xiaomi: Know the bad habits that affect the battery of these devices
How to activate energy saving in Xiaomi equipment

If you enable power saving throughout the operating system, you will surely get a lot of extra hours from your battery. However, to avoid extremes, you can use such functionality in specific apps and to varying degrees, depending on your user experience.

In this case, the path to follow is as follows: Go to "Battery and Performance" > Look for the option "Battery saving in applications" > Once you get the list of installed apps, manually select the ones you want to optimize by applying the energy saving (as in the example with Instagram, in the image).

Turn off connections when you're not using them

Xiaomi: Know the bad habits that affect the battery of these devices
How to disable connections on Xiaomi

Another way to improve the battery of your Xiaomi terminal is to disable the connections while you are not using them. Since, together, both Bluetooth, GPS and mobile data can negatively influence battery performance.

However, since it is almost always necessary to use mobile data, you can follow a trick that you can easily apply to take advantage of every moment in which you have the screen off.

In other words, the same system will take care of deactivating mobile data while the screen is locked (for the time you set).

To do this, start by entering the Settings section. Next, look for "Battery and Performance" and then tap on the cogwheel in the "Battery Settings" part. Later, click on "Lock screen settings" and choose the option "Disable mobile data when the device is locked", in order to choose the time (5, 10 or 30 minutes).

Restrict background apps

Xiaomi: Know the bad habits that affect the battery of these devices
Steps to limit MIUI background apps

An effective solution to improve the battery performance of your computer is based on limiting the applications in the background. Well, many of them can become a headache for the battery if the user neglects the way they work.

So, to avoid that most apps keep consuming more mobile resources, choose to carry out this process: In Settings, look for "Battery and Performance" and then tap on "Battery saving in applications".

Then, select the installed apps that you can do without in your day-to-day life and click on the "Restrict background applications" mode.

Schedule energy savings when you are not using your equipment

Xiaomi: Know the bad habits that affect the battery of these devices
Energy saving programming on Xiaomi

It is also vital to use energy savings when you are not using your mobile; This will help you optimize the battery of your Xiaomi. Emphasizing that, from a MIUI function, the same operating system will take care of switching to "Energy Saving" mode in the specified period of time.

To do this, the process to follow is this: From the Settings screen, enter "Battery and Performance" and click on "Battery saving" on the gear wheel. At the bottom, press where it says "Set time to change mode" and activate that option. Finally, it only remains to choose the period of time you prefer.

Take advantage of MIUI functions to optimize the battery

Xiaomi: Know the bad habits that affect the battery of these devices
MIUI optimization functions

Another essential method to improve the functioning of this component of the mobile refers to using the functions of the Xiaomi operating system. Being an alternative that helps to gain extra time when the device is running out of battery.

To do this, start by entering the Settings and there look for the "Battery and Performance" section. Next, click on the "Optimize" option and then MIUI will provide you with a series of changes to improve the battery.

According to what he advises you, let him do the work for you; be it deactivating the tactile response, closing some apps, modifying the brightness of the screen, etc.

Other care recommendations for your mobile device...

  1. Do not remove your SIM or Micro SD constantly : If you do, surely the SIM and the SD memory card of your cell phone will deteriorate due to intensive wear and tear.

  2. Update the operating system whenever necessary : It is also advantageous to take advantage of each time a new version is available from the manufacturer to update it and ensure a more optimal operation. Otherwise, you may take security risks.

  3. Avoid the use of generic accessories : This type of accessories may be made of unsuitable materials that put the well-being of your terminal at risk. Therefore, choose to handle accessories that are of the same brand as the smartphone.

  4. Do not forget to use a protective case : If you protect your mobile with a case that is resistant to shocks, you can keep it in good condition for a long time. Indeed, it is good to avoid covers that lack rigidity and do not absorb impacts.

  5. Evade the excessive heat of your mobile phone : It is not appropriate to expose such equipment to high temperatures, because it is a factor that reduces the useful life of the internal circuits and / or components.

By means of all these tips, your original Xiaomi mobile phone will reveal better performance, especially in terms of battery. Thanks to that, your user experience will be of higher quality.
