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Most anticipated Marvel movies of 2022

For fans of Marvel movies, this year promises a lot to talk about. We have achieved great stories within the UCM and many of them gave us unique moments in the cinema.
It is no secret to anyone that the productions that will be released this year will be potentially strategic in the continuation and combination of great blockbusters.
We know that due to situations outside the studio, the pandemic and life in general, many adjustments and changes have had to be made, especially in recent months. But the UCM has managed to stay in the lives of its followers and has shown that despite the closure of the Avenger there are many more impressive stories to tell.

There are many things that come with Marvel projects, the studio wants to continue growing everywhere and the wave of superheroes will not stop.
This year they came back, starting phase 4 and the order of future releases, with films that we cannot miss.
Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness
This sequel will arrive on May 6, 2022. We know that Dr. Strange is going to take on more relevance this year, but his sequel is one of those that have been delayed and not only its production, and it has been a long time since your first delivery.
We have been able to learn more about the character thanks to " Avengers infinity war " and a little more by " Avengers end game " but we need to know what has happened to this character.

The film will be directed by director Sam Raimi who was in charge of bringing the first Spider-Man trilogy starring Tobey Maguire.
We now know that the multiverse format allows Mr. Strange to travel in new creative directions and this new film will make important connections within future projects in the Marvel Universe.
Not to mention the appearance of the beloved Scarlet Witch (Wanda Maximoff) An extraordinary representation of the true madness that will live in the multiverse.
This is the story of Jennifer Walters, the cousin of Bruce Banner, who is ready to transform into She Hulk. It features the participation of Tatiana Maslany as the protagonist, and a cameo by Mark Ruffalo. They are expected to paint a possible series that we must pay attention to.
Of course there is the return of Tim Roth as "Abomination" a preview was already observed, but we hope to see more.

It's been a long time since we saw a sequel or a continuation of the Hulk plot, and although this time it's about Bruce Banner's cousin, the stories are related during the movie.
A good way to learn more about the environment that surrounds Hulk the green man.
thor love and thunder
Its premiere will arrive on July 8, 2022, the return in the direction of this franchise will feature Taika Waititi and it is one of the projects that most excites us in phase 4 of Marvel.
Chris Hemsworth returns with Natalie Portman that we haven't seen since the first Thor movie and other important returns of the sequel Thor Valkyrie are confirmed.

Newcomer to the Marvel Cinematic Universe Christian Bale, who played the role of Batman once in DC Comics, will play this film's villain "Gorr," all of which serves to build even more anticipation for the fourth solo Thor film.
Black Panther Wakanda Forever
For November 11, 2022 we will have the premiere of Black Panther Wakanda Forever.
A film that was successful around the world, it was therefore no surprise that there was talk of a sequel that was first announced in 2019 and has since obtained the subtitle of Wakanda Forever.

Not much is known about the second Black Panther movie, because we know it's not like it was originally planned.
They have had to undergo changes due to the sudden death of the protagonist of the first film. The production was supposed to be filming, but had to be suspended due to the injury of one of the actresses in the cast.
The Guardians of the Galaxy holiday special
By the end of 2022, this new movie of the guardians of the galaxy will be released, and the plot will be developed after Thor love and thunder and before the guardians of the Galaxy volume 3.
The special will include the entire main cast of the film and it will possibly be a great Christmas with these mythical characters.

mrs marvel
A series that will come to light in the middle of this year, after some changes and adjustments, it will have its premiere in mid-2022, this is when we see Kamala Khan become this Miss Marvel superheroine.
It will be an interesting series, because we will have a strong connection to the story of Captain Marvel in her next sequel to the Marvel universe.

For now, we can only wait for the premiere of this series and see what will arise in the history of this character.
monc night
Monc night It will be released at the end of the year 2022, it is not one of the best known Marvel characters, but those who know its history know that something dark and intriguing Marvel has prepared for us.

Let's wait to see what this movie will be about and what news it will come with, but knowing Marvel, it will surely not disappoint us. Since they have accustomed us with their wonderful stories of superheroes and incredible characters.