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The best Netflix psychological thrillers to watch this summer 2022

The Netflix streaming platform is recognized for its wide variety of categories and film productions.

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The best Netflix psychological thrillers to watch this summer 2022
The best psychological thrillers to watch on Netflix.

Among the most viewed productions, the Netflix psychological thrillers stand out, managing to exceed 250 thousand hours of reproduction with their most recognized productions.

Therefore, in this section we are going to present the list of the best Netflix psychological thrillers to enjoy from the comfort of home. Among the most recognized productions of the genre, the following stand out: 'A Perfect Crime', 'Bird Box: Blindfolded', 'Fracture' and 'During the Storm'.

The 10 best Netflix psychological thriller productions

Next, we present the 10 psychological thriller movies to enjoy on the Netflix platform.

1. 'Ted Bundy: Inside the Killer's Mind'

This is the title of one of the most controversial films of the decade, inspired by the true story of the American murderer. The production was carried out by showrunner Amber Sealey, with the performances of 'Elijah Wood', 'Luke Kirby' and 'Robert Patrick' in the official cast of the film.

1. ‘Ted Bundy: En la mente del asesino’

The story reveals the life of 'Ted Bundy', a law student who was arrested in 1980 for crimes of kidnapping, rape and murder of women.

The man was sentenced to death and while he was in custody the authorities did everything possible to get him to reveal the details of his crimes.

However, Bundy denied all charges and did his best to evade justice. Therefore, the FBI decided to hire the analyst 'Bill Hagmaier', whose goal was to decipher the killer's thoughts and understand his psychology. During his work he develops a strange relationship with 'Ted Bundy'.

Bundy's dark and twisted thoughts begin to affect 'Hagmaier' as he testifies to each crime and offers details of the victims.

2. 'Bird Box: Blindfolded'

' Bird Box: Blindfolded ' was one of the highest-grossing movies of 2020, drawing the attention of more than 100 million people due to its eminent plot.

The filming was directed and produced by the American filmmaker 'Josh Malerman' and 'Eric Heisserer'. The cast stars 'Sandra Bullock', 'Trevante Rhodes' and 'Sarah Paulson'.

2. ‘Bird Box: A ciegas’

The film is a dystopian production, it tells the story of a world after the arrival of a terrible mysterious force. A group of people managed to survive the abysmal threat, they hide from home and are convinced that if they observe it they will be struck down instantly and will be victims of the unknown.

'Malorie' is a surviving woman who managed to hide in the shadows with her two young children. One day she decides to withdraw from the shelter where she lived, full of hope in order to find a better place to live. Blindfolded they set out on a journey, what they don't know is that something is chasing them.

3. 'A perfect crime'

This is one of the most renowned classic films in cinema history, based on a criminal thriller that impacted an entire generation. The production was created and directed by screenwriter 'Andrew Davis'. The cast is headed by 'Michael Douglas', 'Gwyneth Paltrow' and 'Viggo Mortensen'.

The story reveals the life of 'Steven Taylor', a Wall Street billionaire who is going through a complicated crisis in his work field. In addition, his love situation is deteriorating little by little, he is married to 'Emily Bradfrod', a young and wealthy businesswoman.

3. ‘Un crimen perfecto’

'Emily' and 'Steven' have a politically correct relationship that appears to be something it is not and they keep secrets from each other. The woman is an excellent UN worker and has been in a relationship with the painter 'David Shaw' for a long time, who has a shady past and fills her emotional gap every night.

'Steven' begins to suspect about the meetings between the two and decides to sneak into the house of the painter. Soon after, he discovers that the man has an extensive criminal record and has a prison record for swindling tycoons. 'Steven' decides to hire 'Shaw' to murder his own wife.

4. 'The Invitation'

This is the title of one of the most recognized Netflix psychological thrillers on the entertainment platform.

The production was written and directed by British filmmaker 'Phil Hay' and 'Matt Manfredi' and features performances by 'Michiel Huisman', 'Logan Marshall-Green' and 'John Carroll Lynch'.

4. ‘La invitación’

The story follows the lives of 'Will' and 'Eden', a happy couple who live their lives together with their son in the house of their dreams. The life of the married couple begins to turn into a nightmare when they discover their son dead due to an accident. From this event, 'Eden' escapes from the city without warning.

As time goes by, the woman returns to her hometown and gets married again, it seems to have changed a lot since the last time. 'Eden' and her husband decide to invite 'Will' to dinner at their house, however, something disturbing and sinister takes hold of her and she has dark plans for her special guest.

5. 'During the storm'

' During the storm ' is a Netflix original filming that It is inspired by a science fiction suspense story. The production was created and directed by 'Lara Sendim' and 'Oriol Paulo'. The official cast is starred by 'Adriana Ugarte', 'Chino Darín' and 'Nora Navas'.

It is a dystopian story that reveals an interference between the two times that altered some actions in space-time. 'Vera' is a married woman who lives with her husband and daughter in a new house. Due to the temporary interference, the woman ends up saving the life of a young man who lived in her home 25 years earlier.

5. ‘Durante la tormenta’

However, after her encounter with the boy, 'Vera' wakes up in a new reality where her daughter was not born and her husband has no idea who she is. Now, the woman will have to observe what caused the temporary fracture when she saved the young man. With the passing of time, he learns that his past life was a mirage.

6. 'Fracture'

This is one of the best platform productions of 2019, considered one of the best Netflix psychological thrillers of the decade. The filming was created and directed by the American showrunner 'Brad Anderson'. Starring 'Sam Worthington', 'Lily Rabe' and 'Stephen Tobolowsky'.

6. ‘Fractura’

The tape reveals the personal life of 'Ray' with his wife 'Joanne', who decide to embark on an exciting journey with their young daughter. During her stay in a hotel, the daughter suffers an accident in the playground, the parents decide to go to the nearest hospital to attend to their little girl.

Mother and daughter go to the ER to do an MRI, on the other hand, Ryan ends up passed out in a wheelchair. As soon as he wakes up, he begins to look for his wife and daughter, however, the doctors assert that they were never there and there are no records to support his argument.

7. 'The Hole'

This is one of the most iconic films on the streaming platform, based on a dystopia that impacted more than 50 million viewers. ' El Hoyo ' was created and written by the Spanish screenwriter 'Galder Gaztelu-Urrutia' and starring 'Ivan Massagué', 'Zorion Eguileor' and 'Antonia San Juan'.

7. ‘El Hoyo’

The story is set in a futuristic world where there is a retention center called 'El Hoyo', a hole with hundreds of levels that has a platform that lowers daily with food. In this prison, the inmates are grouped into duos that live in each of the levels of the Hole.

The interns start to get overwhelmed when they are randomly changed in level, since the platform descends and brings less and less food. Those at higher levels have a better chance of surviving and those at the bottom will have to figure out how not to starve to death.

8. 'Lost'

'Gone Girl' is a film that has stood out among the top 10 Netflix psychological thrillers, marking its debut in 2014. The film was created and directed by the American filmmaker 'David Fincher' and 'Gillian Flynn'. The cast is headed by 'Ben Affleck', 'Rosamund Pike' and 'Neil Patrick Harris'.

8. ‘Perdida’

The story reveals the life of 'Nick', a former journalist who is married to 'Amy Dunne' and they have a relationship with many problems and misunderstandings.

They both make the decision to change their daily habits and spend time together to solve their problems. Therefore, they decide to set up a restaurant with 'Nick's' sister.

With the passing of time, the restaurant begins to suffer financial problems, causing more problems in their love relationship. One afternoon 'Amy' mysteriously disappears without a trace, the authorities quickly turn to 'Nick' claiming that he was responsible. Now he will have to defend himself before the media.

9 'The Snowman'

' The Snowman ' is one of the most controversial films in the entertainment industry, inspired by the homonymous novel by 'Jo Nesbø'. The film production was created and written by filmmaker 'Tomas Alfredson' and stars 'Michael Fassbender', 'Rebecca Ferguson' and 'Charlotte Gainsbourg'.

It tells the story of 'Harry Hole', an expert detective who is part of an elite squad of investigators. After the disappearance of a woman in the first winter blizzard, the investigation team deduces that it was the work of a serial killer who had been hidden for years.

9 ‘El muñeco de nieve’

The crime was committed by a ruthless criminal who calls himself 'Snowman', whose goal is to kill and dismember women with inappropriate behavior. Harry will have to use his knowledge to deduce the criminal's next steps and prevent him from acting again in the next blizzard.

10. 'The Son'

The movie ' The Son ' is a suspenseful and fictional story that has managed to top the list of Netflix psychological thrillers in 2019. The film was created and produced by the American showrunner 'Brian Gunn' and 'Mark Gunn'. Starring 'Elizabeth Banks', 'David Denman' and 'Jackson A. Dunn'.

10. ‘El hijo’

The film reveals the life of a beautiful married couple made up of 'Tori' and 'Kyle Breyer', who have always wanted to have a child. So they decide to adopt a son of the streets 'Brandon', a magical young man who came from the stars and has truly extraordinary abilities.

The problems begin when the parents discover that 'Brandon' is using his powers to do the wrong things, since evil begins to grow inside him. 'Tori' and 'Kyle' will begin to live a true nightmare when their little one begins to reveal himself.

