The Grand of Game of Thrones presents its cast and its new talents

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HBO Max has recently reported the incorporation of a new skill to the series of the series "the place of the winged snake", with views of "fire and blood" of George R.r. Martin, which is set by 200 years before "round of thrones" and narrates the story of the Targaryen house.

Dragon place, the HBO prequel series will show the Targaryen tradition at the top of its strength, with more than twelve mythical snakes under its banner, an arsenal of animals that we have seen some advances and that broke the general influence when they arrived at A locality wherever all had been achieved depending on the strength of the sword and the safeguard.

At all as in play of thrones, when the kingdoms have conquered these mythical snake riders and are still recovering from their melted wounds, we will know the Targarsen and the principle of iron with which they pressed each of the districts and groups of existing people in Poniente in those years.

Likewise, it will be a creation that will clarify how the quarrels were forged between the different branches, a reality that began and solidified when King Viewers, breaking a hundred years of usual, ended up naming his little daughter Rhaenyra as a legitimate beneficiary of the privilege position. However, when Viserys ends up engendering a child, the court is scandalized when Rhaenyra maintains the beneficiary's condition of it.

Martin has taken point by point some aspects of the plot on the Webcast The Stuff Dreams Are Made of, clarifying also that House of the Dragon will highlight many mythical snakes, extensively expanding its number regarding the first series. In fact, it is the increase of these animals, a twenty according to the legend of the first books, which most spins on variation, as explained in the seven kingdoms.

The Grand of Game of Thrones presents its cast and its new talents

The new actors who will interpret characters in the new series “Hause of the Dragons” of HBO

Ryan Cor How to be Harwin "Breakbones" Strong- "Breakbones", Harwin is supposed to be the most punished man of the seven kingdoms. Being Harwin is the eldest son of Lyonel Strong and beneficiary of Harrenhal.

David Horovitch As the Grand Maestre Mellos — Voice of Reason and Confidence Counselor of King Viserys.

Graham McTavish as Harrold Westerling — Being Harrold has served in the Royal Guard since the time of King Jaehaerys; He is a ladder of Gallardía and honor.

Matthew Needham as Larys Strong — Minor Son of the Law Lyonel Strong, taken to court by his father.

Bill Paterson as Lord Lyman Beesbury — Lord of Honeyholt and Master of the Currency at the small committee of the King Viserys.

Gavin Spokes like Lord Lyonel Strong — Master of Law of King Viserys and Lord of Harrenhal.

Recently declared cast

The Grand of Game of Thrones presents its cast and its new talents

Paddy considine as the King Viserys Targaryen, chosen by the lords of Poniente to succeed the old king, Jaehaerys Targaren, in the great Council of Harrenhal. A warm, friendly and friendly man, Viserys only wants to continue with the heritage of his grandfather. However, great men are not extraordinary rulers.

Olivia Cooke as Alicent Hightower, the little daughter of Otto Hightower, the king's hand, and the most seductive lady of the seven kingdoms. She lived her childhood in the red fortress, near the Lord and the internal circle of him; She has both an elegant developing as a sharp political acuity.

Emma D'Arcy In the role of Princess Rhaenyra Targareyen, first-born of the Lord, is Blood Valyria pure and is a winged snake rider. Many would say that Rhaenyra was brought to the world with everything... either as it was, she was not conceived as a man.

Matt Smith as Prince Daemon Targaryen, younger brother of King Viserys and the main successor of the privileged position. Excellent fighter and rider of the winged serpent, Daemon has the authentic blood of mythical beast. However, it is said that every time a Targaryen is conceived, the divine beings launch a coin...

Steve Toussaint as Lord Corlys Velaryon, "the Sea Snake" — Lord of Casa Velaryon, with a genealogy Valyria as ancient as the house Targaryen. As "the Snake of Sea", the best known nautical trotamundos of all the existence of Poniente, Lord Corlys transformed his house into an amazing headquarters that is considerably more extravagant than that of the Lannister and cases the best naval force on the planet.

Rhys Ifans as Otto Hightower — The king's hand, being Otto, serves firmly and loyally to his ruler and his kingdom. According to the hand, the best danger to the kingdom is the brother of the Lord, Daemon, and the situation of him as a beneficiary of the High Cargo.

Eve Best as Princess Rhaenys Velaryon — Dragon rider and wife of Lord Corlys Velaryon, "the queen who never went" She was discarded as the main beneficiary of high position in the great advice in light of the fact that the kingdom supported her cousin, Viserys, essentially by being a man.

Sonoya Mizuno as Mysaria — Mysaria came to Poniente with nothing, sold a greater number of times you can remember. She could have withered... In any case, she rather she became the most reliable partner — and generally impossible — from Prince Daemon Targanyen, the successor of the privileged position.

Fabien Frankel as Being Criston Cole, from the Dornish tribe, normal Son of the Blackhaven Lord's butler. Cole has no case to land or titles; All he has in the power of him is the honor of him and the supernatural expertise of him with the sword.

The HBO series will be released within a few months and will have a lot of controversy

The expected pre-tree of Game of Thrones will accompany an authentic celebration of fire in the heavens of its dream land. The creation will highlight approximately 17 mythical beasts, all according to the creator George R.r. Martin, expanding the size of the show a few scores and mentioning us what happened before the occasions of an ice and fire song through a television design that will have a great debut in 2022. We barely know what Enough with respect to the series, however, we have discussed it at last, and after knowing its first images of authority, we currently have the primary subtleties of its scale.
