The small problem within the Netflix's "Britney vs. Spears" documentary
Netflix recently premiered the documentary “Britney vs. Spears” Which was directed by Erin Lee Carr, who was also added the collaboration with an important journalist Jenny ELISC.
Within this production, we can make a short but quite detailed tour about the promotion to Britney Spears' fame.
We will see the results of the millions of albums that were sold by the singer, besides the great fascination of the audience with her and how she turned in the only livelihood of her entire family.
However, within the documentary, we will not only see brightness and glamor, but we will also address the different consequences that Britt brought with it and above all the media harassment of which was victim for the media.

One of the strengths of the documentary is the beginning and development of the guardianship that has been imposed on Britney Spears since 2008. The tutela is considered today as a strict or restrictive rule, which different experts have qualified as unnecessary.
Britney vs. Spears, what will we see?
All the contents that have been exposed with respect to the theme of the tutelage to which Britney is faced, are within a vortex of public and legal opinions, in which for many the issue seems overly simple.
But experts assure that it is a question “legal without foundation”. There are many documentaries and miniseries, in which there are hundreds of people who speak, less she and although it is logical, due to the restrictions imposed on the tutelage.
One of the worst things that are exposed in these documentaries, is about Britney's feelings, to which we do not have any kind of certainty that are real or distorted, due to the great stir that this issue causes.
Eliscu, who is one of the journalists who was an active part within the research team in the case of Britney, cried when he explained before some media, the times he had to see the singer secretly inside a hotel for her will be able to sign the document.
The journalist explained the fear and gratitude that the singer felt, due to all the stress and anxiety the situation generated.
All and everyone but she
Some time ago, there are hundreds of people who understood the way in which the guardianship imposed by American justice, deprived Britney of all his freedoms.
Even, with the right you had to be able to relate sentimentally, choose diverse of your work projects, use your credit card freely, have visits or even see your children.
It has been hundreds of the times we have heard about such a delicate subject, in which his own protagonist, is not the one who raises his voice.
Despite being this one documentary that unmasks the horrors by which Britney Spears has passed, it is important to explain and I to the press and viewers, that this does not come directly from her voice.
The documentary that Netflix presents us, is not more revealing than any other that we can find in Internet, since they do not offer us a cool look about a case that is public for many years.
In the last year, various details have begun to reveal on the darkest thing that has had to live the recognized Diva del Pop, however, with this there is not much to comment.
All this because this class exposure, it only helps to give continuity and exposure about a person who has not been able to fight alone for this one or another to stop.
The comments of Britney Spears about the documentary
After the departure of this documentary, Britney Spears commented on his social networks about the content, which he confessed that he saw some part of the documentary and various doubts came to emerge.
Much of the construction within the documentary of Britney vs. Spears, is based on the testimonies of various people who are alien to the singer, in which several intimate moments they had with her or even ideas that in a unreliable way she shared them.
For this reason, until she is the one who confirms or denies the story, none of this should be taken as valid, and less if it is about a person's personal life.