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4 dangers of childhood obesity

Maria Fernanda
5 min read

Childhood obesity represents a problem in the pediatric population, since it is the origin of many complications during childhood.

At the same time, childhood obesity translates into a greater probability of suffering from cardiovascular and metabolic diseases in adulthood.

For this reason, it is essential to know the 4 dangers of childhood obesity, but with greater determination about preventive measures for childhood obesity.

What is the childhood obesity?

It is no secret that obesity, epidemiologically, affects thousands of people around the world. Some of them have a genetic predisposition, but most are caused by the acquisition of bad dietary habits.

4 dangers of childhood obesity – Wellness and Health – WebMediums
What is the childhood obesity?

These bad eating habits, added to a sedentary life, are developed during childhood.

In this sense, childhood obesity is excess fat, which negatively affects the health of the infant.

How is obesity determined in a child?

Children are different from adults. Moreover, there are tables and percentiles accepted worldwide, with which it can be determined if the child is within the limits of normality.

In this way, if it is located above the 90th percentile, it is already beginning to talk about obesity.

Of course, they are parameters that are studied in isolation, age, weight and height are always taken into account.

4 dangers of childhood obesity – Wellness and Health – WebMediums
Childhood obesity

On the other hand, there is the body mass index (BMI), it consists of a formula that indicates an approximation of body fat. In adults, obesity is already established when the BMI is greater than 30.

However, deposits during childhood are highly variable, which is why percentile tables are used.

What Causes Childhood Obesity?

Before a person enters a disease state called obesity, their body used those fat stores as a preventive measure.

In relation to the above, these deposits have the function of providing energy, in case there is a prolonged fast, but when the intake exceeds the energy use is when obesity develops.

In addition to this, children prefer highly processed foods, sweets and breads, before natural foods such as fruits, vegetables, vegetables, foods rich in whole fiber.

4 dangers of childhood obesity – Wellness and Health – WebMediums
Causes of childhood obesity

Another factor that must be taken into account is genetic predisposition. There are children who have a greater susceptibility to obesity.

Also, obesity is associated with underlying diseases, mainly endocrine and neurological.

Dangers of childhood obesity

Obesity must be prevented, since the range of complications it generates in childhood is wide.

Complications or dangers occur in childhood or adolescence and, if left untreated, persist into adulthood.

1. Heart and metabolic problems

Cardiovascular problems may not usually manifest in the early stages, but it does suggest a risk in adulthood.

Obesity is a risk factor for developing high blood pressure.

For its part, insulin resistance is one of the most imminent dangers, since its persistence can lead to diabetes mellitus.

Since the adipose tissue is increased, there is a greater probability that the metabolism of fats will be compromised.

At the same time, the importance of this is to be able to identify all children with metabolic syndrome, which is characterized by the following aspects.

  • Obesity

  • Hypertension

  • Insulin resistance

  • Hyperlipidaemia

Studies reveal that they have a risk of cardiovascular mortality.

4 dangers of childhood obesity – Wellness and Health – WebMediums
Cardiovascular risk

2. Joint problems

Obesity in a child can lead to pain in their joints, due to all the weight they must bear.

This occurs mainly in the hip and knee joint. It is necessary the intervention of specialists in traumatology.

3. Emotional problems

The mental health of a child with obesity is generally always affected. Emotional complications can develop both in the family environment and in the school environment.

Obese children often receive insults regarding their physical appearance, so it is the task of parents to identify such abuses.

Consequently, self-esteem problems begin to predominate, children become more withdrawn and less communicative with their parents, friends and relatives.

4. Respiratory problems

There are records that obese children can have asthma. The cause is attributed to an interference in the mechanical function of respiration.

Basically, there is an alteration in the retraction, this translates into a decrease in the air that enters the lung and in the muscular force in breathing.

Is a laboratory needed to diagnose childhood obesity?

The answer is a definit no. I do not know how to diagnose childhood obesity with any laboratory.

What is true is that there are values that may be altered, such as triglycerides, cholesterol and glycemia.

How to prevent childhood obesity?

Obesity is a preventable disease, for this reason it is essential that parents and pediatricians can intervene in a timely manner to prevent complications of childhood obesity.

Likewise, prevention is recommended, even from pregnancy. From this it is derived, promoting a BMI before gestation according to the mother.

At the same time, maintain a low intensity exercise, control glycemia in the cases of diabetic mothers or with pre-gestational diabetes, among other measures.

4 dangers of childhood obesity – Wellness and Health – WebMediums
Healthy nutrition

During the postpartum period and the lactation period, exclusive breastfeeding is recommended for the first 6 months of life and the introduction of complementary feeding after this time.

In the same way, there are another series of measures that can be carried out in the family nucleus and in the school, which are.

  • Avoid turning on the television during meal times.

  • Do not reward children with food.

  • Avoid or cut down on high-fat foods and sweets.

  • Offer water and not carbonated, sweet or milkshake drinks.

  • Establish healthy eating habits at home.

  • Make a healthy school lunch box, fruits should be the snack.

  • Educate about the importance of nutrition.

  • Explain the importance of the sports department.
