Know what Somatization is about

Maria de Piña
6 min de lectura
Know what Somatization is about – Wellness and Health – WebMediums
Know what somatization is about

Many mistakenly think that the connection between the mind and the body is limited only to movement, but it goes much further. Their bond is so strong that it can lead to major health conflicts, and this is known as somatization.

The human being is the combination of a fluid current, of cerebral interaction, with the visible response of a physical body. Absolutely, everything that happens in our brain has some impact on our body, but these are not always positive.

Somatization is a problem that many patients struggle with on a daily basis, becoming a very confusing problem, both for those who suffer from it and for the treating doctor. And so here you have everything you need to know to face it.

Let's define what somatization is

Know what Somatization is about – Wellness and Health – WebMediums
What is somatization?

In simple terms, we can define it as the appearance of symptoms and physical complications as a result of problems generated in our psychological state.

The term is applied when there is no medical explanation for the appearance of symptoms.

A strong psychological load that involves emotions, stress or mental instability, can cause its manifestation to be reflected through some physical problem. Frequently, there are many people who go to consultations because of this.

The term somatization comes from the fact that the problem lies in the somatic nervous system, this being the one in charge of linking brain impulses with the body.

This pathology is considered a quite serious problem, since, despite not being infectious or contagious, it interferes in many aspects of the life of those who suffer from it.

What symptoms reflects who somatizes?

There is a great variety of symptoms that can be linked to this conflict, this varies according to the mental load and the physical state of the person who somatizes.

In general, the most common problems are those that I present below.

Stomach problems

These are one of the most frequent, you can experience pain at different levels, and loss of appetite or constipation may occur.

Also, diarrhea is usual and in some cases uncontrolled bloating and flatulence may occur.

Respiration problems

Mostly, those who somatize experience a sensation of suffocation or feel that they cannot breathe normally.

You can have chest pain, also feel dizzy and disoriented, this is often linked to episodes of strong anxiety.

sexual problems

This conflict can cause great lack of control in the menstrual cycle, it also affects sexual desire in both men and women, causing them to lose their appetite. Sexual impotence is one of the most regular problems.

Heart problems

Psychology often affects the heart a lot, and in this case you can suffer from problems such as tachycardia, arrhythmia or chest pain. These problems are one of those that must be handled with greater care, and they are mostly caused by stress.

neurological problems

In this case we can appreciate an extensive group of faults, among which the following stand out:

  • Headaches.

  • Muscle pains.

  • lack of encouragement

  • Fading.

  • Excessive tiredness.

  • Insomnia.

In general, it is a lack of control of physical performance.

What are the causes of this problem?

When we study a conflict like this, it is very difficult to determine specific causes. The symptoms that somatization presents are very varied, and many other conflicts are attributed to it for which no medical explanation has been found.

What we can affirm is that when an individual is affected and bombarded by different psychological conflicts, these will bring physical repercussions. Somatization is basically a way in which the mind manifests that there is a problem.

If someone is exposed to a strong psychological burden due to stress, sentimental or emotional problems, work pressure, or depressive scenarios, it is very likely that at some point this mental burden will manifest itself physically.

Who are more prone to somatization?

There are some characteristics that can be taken as indicators, to identify who is more likely to suffer from this disorder. Next, we show you who are more exposed to somatize.

  • Women: Statistically, it has been shown that this disorder is more common in women than in men, but it is also due to the fact that their stress levels are mostly higher.

  • Emotionally weak people: Those who have a pessimistic attitude or behavior, who live under the role of victim or are highly negative, can be affected by the disorder.

  • Emotional dependents: People who struggle with emotional attachment, or who are unable to take charge of their actions.

  • Perfectionists and egomaniacs: They are so immersed in pressure points and high standards of demands that they can get out of control of their psychology and be affected.

  • People with associated pathologies: Those who are already diagnosed with conflicts such as anxiety are very likely to also experience this disorder.

How to deal with somatization?

Know what Somatization is about – Wellness and Health – WebMediums

The first thing that we must be clear about is that if we find ourselves in the scenario where the symptoms are present and there is no medical explanation, then the check-up that we must do sends us directly to consult how our psychological and emotional state is.

If we do this, we will be able to quickly identify what is the conflict that is affecting our mind, and that is where we must begin to work.

To avoid this disorder we must worry about keeping pressure and stress levels under control.

The healthiest thing is to carry out activities that allow us to drain the psychological load, and that in turn generate happiness. We must also take care of the environment in which we live, since this is another factor that influences our emotional state.

We must talk and share our emotions with others, the simple act of letting off steam helps the symptoms disappear. If we feel that our situation is quite critical, the most correct thing to do is to seek professional therapeutic help.

Somatizing is a conflict that seems not to be so risky, but constantly suffering from symptoms that are caused by our mind, makes us know that not everything is fine. Never forget that the body and the mind are one, so take care of them as such.

