Scarlet fever in children, everything you need to know

What is scarlet fever?
Scarlet fever scarlet as it is also known is an infection caused by group A streptococci. disease spreads with close contact of people who have the bacterium, usually these bacteria they are in the throat, also by the contact of objects or the surface that are contaminated.
These cause several types of infection such as skin infections and tonsillitis. It is usually a mild illness that usually affects boys and girls between 5 and 15 years old.
How scarlet fever is spread
These bacteria streptococcal group A can live in the nose or throat of people. The contagion occurs through droplets of respiratory secretions from the sick person or from a person who has streptococcus but without symptom. Sneezing from an infected person nearby can infect the disease.
If we touch our nose, eyes or mouth after touching something that has these drops we could get the disease. Also if we drink water in the same glass or eat on the plate of the infected person we could get sick.
The transmission is direct person to person by air, if the boy affected or the person with the strep throat near you can get it.
In very rare cases scarlet fever occurs as a result of a wound.
Symptoms of scarlet fever
We must remain attentive to the symptom to prevent complications. Usually the disease begins to give a very high fever of sudden onset, sore throat and discomfort throughout the body.
Vomiting, abdominal pain, and chills may occur.
The throat and tonsils are usually flushed and cause a lot of pain when swallowing.
Aframbsada tongue due to thickening of the papillae and swelling; Initially saburral (tongue covered in a white coat) and then red and congested.
Although the cheeks may be red, the mouth area will remain pale.
Occasionally a rash appears on the skin in the first 12 to 48 hours after the onset of the condition. It is a reddish rash, usually begins at the neck and on the face and later on the extremities and throughout the body.

It is more intense in areas of folds, for example in the elbow, behind the knees or in the armpits.
The skin looks rough and dry to the touch.
The rash begins to disappear approximately 4 to 6 days.
Often the skin flakes, this peeling can last up to 6 and 8 weeks.
Treatment of scarlet fever in children
It is important to see the doctor immediately if the child has a sore throat and a high fever occurs suddenly.
The doctor is the only one who can to diagnose if the little one suffers from scarlet fever through a physical examination and a clinical interview.
An analysis is made to the small single with a swab and can detect the disease in a few minutes and confirm if there is a presence of the germ.
After performing the tests by the doctor if it is confirmed that it is the scarlet fever since the indicated treatment will be the administration of antibiotics, it is usually used (penicillin or amoxicillin)
It is necessary to ensure that the child administers the medication correctly, since sometimes when it is orally they usually throw it away and an incomplete treatment on occasion could reappear the disease. It is important to consult with the pediatrician about the mode of administration of the drug so that the treatment of positive results.
Usually the treatment is effective in the first 24 hours taking the antibiotic, fever, sore throat and headache disappear.
The child should remain at home while the fever lasts, it is very important to monitor its temperature constantly and drink plenty of water, as it is essential because it keeps them hydrated. Give a soft diet such as soups, purées and yoghurts.
While the symptoms are present it is recommended that the boy stay calm and rest a lot. When children are sick they become very irritable and uncomfortable, helping them to stay at rest is essential for their recovery.
We must have a lot of patience, they do not understand what is happening and when they are very little they can not express the pain they feel.
Health problems and complications of scarlet fever in children
As we mentioned earlier the disease it can be treated in a simple way by taking antibiotics, otherwise it happens if it is not treated as it can lead to dangerous diseases such as:
Arthritis what happens when the joints are inflamed.
As well ear infection and sinuses causing pneumonia.
It can also cause rheumatic fever which can permanently damage the heart, and produce nodules on the skin.
The infection can be prevented by ensuring that our children wash their hands thoroughly after sneezing or coughing and before eating food. Carefully wash dishes, glasses and all items used at mealtime.
It is very important that children stay at home because if they go to school or daycare they may infect other children. So far there is no vaccine that can prevent this disease.