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Stress: Your Hair's Number 1 Enemy

Discover the reasons and how to avoid hair loss

Maria de Piña
5 min de lectura
Stress: Your Hair's Number 1 Enemy – Wellness and Health – WebMediums
Stress: Your Hair's Number 1 Enemy

You use shampoo, conditioner, moisturizer and at least four other products to take care of your hair and even so, is its loss still increasing? You may be battling a silent enemy that you did not know, that is stress.

From uniform fall to large patches that come off, they can be the result of going through a stressful situation. So, if you want to prevent or face hair loss due to stress, I recommend that you join me to learn how to defeat it.

Why does stress affect?

Body and mind coexist in total synchrony, and when stress levels increase this directly affects the hair follicles.

A large percentage of hair is growing and another is at rest, when suffering from stress this dynamic is reversed.

Stress: Your Hair's Number 1 Enemy – Wellness and Health – WebMediums

To be more precise, due to the stress on the scalp, blood circulation decreases, which weakens the hair and causes it to fall out. There are many variations on how stress affects, however, this is the most common.

Another slightly more critical scenario is known as Trichotillomania. This is a stress-motivated psychological condition that produces a compulsion to pull out hair.

It is normal to lose about 100 hairs a day, but more indicates a problem.

Stress has the power to destabilize our emotional and psychological balance, therefore, hair loss is an alarm from the body to indicate that something is out of place.

The fall is temporary or permanent

The good news regarding this condition is the fact that it is not permanent, since by controlling the level of stress, the condition disappears.

Of course, you must wait the corresponding time for the hair to regain its vitality and strength.

Stress: Your Hair's Number 1 Enemy – Wellness and Health – WebMediums
Hair loss due to stress

Alopecia should be taken seriously, and it is extremely necessary to consult a professional, because hair loss is not always caused by stress. From the beginning it should not be taken lightly and think that it will be something temporary, since it could be something more serious.

Techniques and tips to deal with it

Possibly in some cases there will be medical recommendations that include medications or therapies according to the degree of stress, but these tips are applicable to any case.

Create exhaust valves

Within the order of your daily routine you must include some activity that really generates happiness, and you can use it as a means of disconnection.

This is a simple practice just do something you like, read a book, play a video game or go for a walk.

Stress: Your Hair's Number 1 Enemy – Wellness and Health – WebMediums
Activities that generate happiness and tranquility

The escape valves are more useful than you think, since these small activities manage to dissipate the mental chaos that produces stress.

When the body is immersed in a constant demand for tasks, without giving it respite, it is prone to collapse.

Avoid congested environments

There are spaces where it is inevitable to be involved on a daily basis, such as traffic or the subway, however, our home or workplace should not be the same.

Clutter, dirt and noise generate a negative sensitive effect on our mind, multiplying stress.

Stress: Your Hair's Number 1 Enemy – Wellness and Health – WebMediums
Peace areas

Clear and keep your home and office tidy, complement by applying mild scents that are to your liking and stay away from annoying noises.

A large percentage of everyday discomfort is caused by misplaced things and unpleasant sounds.

Practice relaxation exercises

There are breathing exercises and others that help you release tension, both are very practical and easy to do even when you are in the office.

For respiratory you only need to take in air and release it for a few seconds, this helps you clear your mind.

Stress: Your Hair's Number 1 Enemy – Wellness and Health – WebMediums
Practice breathing exercises

In the case of tension, it consists of contracting the muscles for a few seconds and relaxing them, apply them all over the body thus alleviating the stiffness.

You can create a routine in time slots throughout the day and schedule it to remind you to apply these exercises.

Massage your scalp

This type of massage, on the one hand, is very relaxing and on the other it helps the fluidity of blood circulation in our head.

The second attribute is very beneficial, as this is largely what is required to deal with alopecia.

Stress: Your Hair's Number 1 Enemy – Wellness and Health – WebMediums
Massages for your scalp

You can use a device, ask someone for a massage and even do it yourself, it does not require great effort, only gentle stimulation.

There are hair oils that you can integrate into the massage as an extra help that benefits your scalp.

Take care of your sleep and diet

One of the factors that most decompensates our mental, physical and emotional state is the lack of sleep, which affects our entire body.

Stress increases when we add bad sleep, so we must avoid sleepless nights and unnecessary overtime.

It is not all about chemicals when it comes to caring for your hair, eating healthy food is also part of caring for your hair. Some vitamins such as D or the consumption of iron and zinc, are essential to give strength and vitality to our hair.
