Symptoms of hypoglycemia

3 min de lectura

Knowing the symptoms of hypoglycemia is something fundamental, since it is a condition that can cause damage to the most active tissues. Remember that hypoglycemia is a condition where glucose levels are very low.

Symptoms of hypoglycemia – Wellness and Health – WebMediums

To talk about hypoglycemia, sugar levels in the blood should be below 60 or 70 mg / dl. if so, we should get treatment for this condition, as it is an indicator of problems in our body.

It should be noted that it is young children who are more likely to suffer from this condition. Although it can also occur in adults.

Hypoglycaemia is a very serious condition that we must control, so knowing more about this will allow us to deal with possible episodes.

Causes of hypoglycemia

There are several clinical situations that can lead to this condition, among them we can find;

• Deficit in some hormones.

• The presence of certain tumors.

• Consumption of alcohol and certain medications.

• Diseases that affect the liver or kidneys.

• Mental and nutritional disorders as in the case of anorexia nervosa.

• Excessive insulin administration, fast glucose consumption or slow release.

• Diabetes; Many patients should be especially careful with regard to their treatment and lifestyle, especially when insulin should be administered.

Symptoms of hypoglycemia – Wellness and Health – WebMediums

Symptoms of hypoglycemia

When a person begins to suffer from hypoglycemia they present the following signs or symptoms;

• Hungry.

• Confusion.

• Pale skin.

• Cold sweats.

• Blurry vision.

• Nausea and vomiting.

• Anxiety and nervousness.

• Drowsiness or fatigue.

• Tremors or convulsions.

• Groupers, vertigo or fainting.

• Weakness or fatigue in general.

• Irritation with mood changes.

• Muscular numbness or weakness.

• Palpitations, increased heart rate and other cardiac disorders.

It is important to bear in mind that in each patient the symptoms may vary, depending on their characteristics and the level of severity.

Treatment for hypoglycemia

We already know the symptoms of hypoglycemia, now we must move on to its treatment for it must pass through two parts or structures. The first thing that is done is to increase or normalize blood glucose levels.

Then the cause must be determined to carry out the correct treatment.

To increase glucose levels, several techniques can be used, including the consumption of liquids or foods high in sugar, taking glucose tablets or glucose gel or injecting glucose or glucagon intravenously.

If it is a mild case, it is best to administer glucose tablets since absorption is more effective and faster. If it is a severe case, glucose or glucagon should be injected.

Symptoms of hypoglycemia – Wellness and Health – WebMediums

In any case, a specialist must supervise the doses that must be administered, thereby preventing glucose levels from reaching very high levels. When the proper treatment has been applied, the symptoms of hypoglycaemia should disappear.

Consequence of hypoglycemia

Suffering from hypoglycemia is something very serious, since it can trigger a series of problems such as seizures, loss of consciousness and in severe cases can lead the patient in a coma.

At the same time this condition seriously affects the functioning of our brain, remember that this diet is almost entirely glucose, in this sense prolonged hypoglycemia can cause coma or death.

Este artículo está también disponible en español
Síntomas de la hipoglucemia
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