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Toxic positivism How does this self-delusion affect us?

Maria de Piña
6 min de lectura
Toxic positivism How does this self-delusion affect us? – Wellness and Health
Toxic positivism: How does this self-delusion affect us?

A good attitude and a positive mind do no harm to anyone, unless this goes from being something real to an appearance, to disguise emotions. Toxic positivism is the evil that frustrates the lives of many people, since by denying reality they end up harming themselves.

There is nothing wrong with a little motivation and having good expectations, the problem is when you want to impose this attitude above reality. This conflict affects many entrepreneurs and becomes a problem in work environments.

But how do we know if we are going overboard with the positive? In order not to fall for this deception and suffer its consequences, we must learn to identify when it becomes toxic.

What is toxic positivism?

It can be defined as a behavior where an individual seeks to maintain an exaggeratedly positive posture, denying and repressing emotions, to give an impression of happiness and tranquility. Whoever has this attitude distorts reality in his favor.

This behavior causes the person who possesses it to constantly be looking for positive angles to bad situations, even falling into conformity.

They do not express any emotion that reflects negativity and seek that others do not either.

They appropriate many motivational phrases and slogans to lift spirits in any setting. In this they do not recognize the real state of the conflicts, to avoid feeling threatened or worried.

This behavior is an emotional facade that hides some emotions, as a method of defense against hostility in real life.

Signs of a Toxic Positive

You might think that it is easy to identify them, but often we live with them and do not realize that they have a problem.

Their behavior seems very normal, but these characteristics will help you detect if you are one, or if there is a toxic positive near you.

  • It seems that everything is fine : They never admit that they are experiencing a difficult circumstance, or that they are going through some problem. Their attitude seeks to pretend that nothing affects them.

  • They react sharply to negatives: They do not tolerate someone expressing frustration, anger or concern. They harshly correct those who have these expressions even if they are justified.

  • They are very comparative: One of their tools to hide reality is to make comparisons with other perspectives. They locate a situation worse than theirs, which makes them feel better.

  • They have little empathy: They have a hard time becoming sensitive to someone's position of suffering. They always want to motivate and use phrases like "everything has a solution" or "be strong, this will pass", but this is not correct in all scenarios.

  • They do not evaluate situations clearly: When they are involved in a project, they try to move forward at all costs, even when the time is not right. They do not reconsider, nor do they consider failure as an option.

How does it affect being a toxic positive?

Toxic positivism How does this self-delusion affect us? – Wellness and Health
How does it affect being a toxic positive?

There are those who believe that acting and thinking constantly in this way has no repercussions, but they are totally wrong.

Toxic positivism is a double-edged sword, which can benefit, but mostly affects in the following ways:

Affects physical health

Emotions are designed to manifest, but if they are repressed they will look for another way to make an appearance. A person who often represses anger, frustration and sadness will be affected by a strong load of stress and this will deteriorate their physical condition.

This can also cause heart failure, anxiety, depression and eating disorders, to name a few pathologies.

The repression of emotions is a rather sensitive issue, which congests the mental state and is reflected physically.

generates frustration

When there is no perception of failure, this will lead to frustration in the future. People with this conflict generate many false expectations, and even take root in their positivism to see favorable results, and when this does not happen, it affects them.

Project entrepreneurship and decision making should not only be encouraged by a current of thought and a good attitude. You must be very clear about the realistic scenario, so you can make adjustments and corrections to achieve success.

They generate rejection

As much as someone positive is nice, it is very uncomfortable to stay with him for a long time, if he does not allow you to express yourself freely. Those who have this behavior project an image that implies that you should not approach if you are not the same.

If someone does not tolerate negative expressions or feelings of this kind, they keep themselves in a very small circle, since most people are not willing to repress them and will see their positive attitude, in an annoying and uncomfortable way. 

Affects vision of reality

If you can't see things as they are, you create a childish or unreal vision of reality, which is very dangerous.

The world is hostile and we must assume it as such, if there is no room to see the negative position, the bad actions and the possible failures, we act as innocents.

Positivism clouds reasoning, and can even lead to failures not being noticed or being ignored, in order to avoid feeling worried.

cultivate falsehood

In most cases it happens unconsciously, but the toxic positive becomes dependent on lies and excuses to sustain his reality. This makes it adapted to frequently lie about your mood, your financial status and much more.

The lack of sincerity becomes a problem when establishing affective relationships. Lies, even if they are motivated by good intentions, will never be well received.

What to do with the problem?

Toxic positivism How does this self-delusion affect us? – Wellness and Health
Therapy for toxic positivism

When this conflict is recognized, it must be faced, and the first thing to understand is that all emotions are necessary. Repressing an emotion is the equivalent of fooling yourself, since we all know what we really feel.

Having a negative expression or emotion at a certain moment is not a sign of weakness or pessimistic behavior, it is a natural response to a bad situation. Being positive is beneficial, but only if it is accompanied by a good dose of realism.

Denying the impact of events does not change the results and only gives us false expectations. All these truths and many more must be affirmed in behavior through therapy, which is imparted by a professional in the field.

Live, dream, undertake, fill yourself with encouragement and a positive vision, but do not take your feet off the ground and keep your focus connected to each of your emotions.

