What is psoriasis?
A disease that affects thousands of people and about which many do not have much information, is psoriasis. Here you can find out what it is, who it affects and what its causes are.
Psoriasis is a chronic disease that has the skin as an attack factor. It is characterized by producing inflammatory lesions in the epidermis. It usually occurs on the knees, scalp, elbows, torso, and back. In turn, another place where the process of this disease begins is under the nails.

There are different types of classifications of this disease, and these depend on the severity of the lesions manifested. Psoriasis is not contagious, but it is hereditary, with men suffering the most from it.
La psoriasis es una enfermedad de la piel que produce enrojecimiento y picazón. Se caracteriza por la formación de escamas y por lo general la zona donde suele aparecer es en el cuero cabelludo....webmediums.com
Psoriasis is triggered due to a problem in the functioning of the T lymphocytes, which are responsible for acting in situations of infection or disease. In this way, the psoriasis process begins, which will be aggravated by the following causes:
Stress: The psychological tension produces changes in our body and if we are going through moments of tension and in turn the T lymphocytes are not working well, then the skin lesions will appear.
Medication: Sometimes the medications that doctors prescribe can have contraindications that accelerate the psoriasis process. That is why it is not good at all to self-medicate since if we do not know the drug that we are giving ourselves, the consequences can be terrible.
Climate changes: The skin is also affected due to the climate of the place where we live. If the environment causes our skin to dry out, then the lesions are very likely to appear.
¿Qué es la melatonina? La melatonina es una sustancia natural del organismo, es producida por la célula pineal (cerebro). La melatonina controla el ritmo entre el día y la noche y produce sueño.webmediums.com
Psoriasis is a disease that if we know that it is manifesting itself in our body, we must resort to medical assistance in order to carry out the appropriate treatment.