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What is the metaverse? And why is he talked about so much?

5 min de lectura
What is the metaverse? And why is he talked about so much? – What is it
Capture of a scene from the movie "Ready Player One", one of the most associated with the metaverse.

There is no doubt that Mark Zuckerberg has once again taken it upon himself to revolutionize the way we observe the world, giving us a taste of the way he sees it.

In this case, we will talk specifically about the metaverse and what it means, so we can understand when they talk to us about it.

And it all started with the change of name of its brand, where it will be known as Meta. Even at the bottom of the applications that belong to your domain, we can see your logo, for example, when we open WhatsApp.

It has only been the beginning of an era that will mark the way in which humans develop their daily activities.

Let's learn more about its meaning itself

Notably, this is a concept that encompasses much more than the current Zuckerberg implementation. This means that he is not its creator, much less the first to put it into development.

In essence, the metaverse is nothing more than a series of networks that host numerous users, who interact with each other over the Internet. In other words, it is a virtual environment where people can develop different activities.

Within this virtual environment, people are able to use digital tools that allow them to be represented through networks, where avatars of themselves can also be used.

Basically, it is the result of the union of augmented virtual reality, together with a multiplayer role-playing game and using the web or the Internet as the main medium.

These are three important factors to consider

To understand much better everything related to the arrival of the virtual environment, we must consider three aspects that are more than important in its development.

  • Presence: refers to a conscious state in which a person is under a virtual environment, truly feeling that they are located in it, along with other digital elements. Likewise, it is an effect that can only be achieved through virtual reality technologies.

  • Interoperability: represents the ability of virtual media to be able to be transported between the different digital environments that can be found in the metaverse. In itself, it is the most important aspect of the concept, since it is the one that will connect the different services and activities that can be carried out.

  • Standardization: it is in charge of defining the way in which the interoperability of the different services that are developed within the meta works. In this sense, they acquire their importance in allowing a much easier and more generalized adaptation of the users.

What is the metaverse? And why is he talked about so much? – What is it
Interoperability in the metaverse.

What are the characteristics of the meta?

Óscar Peña is one of the main flag bearers of the meta, and during different interviews he has been in charge of establishing his characteristics. Specifically, the chief innovation and technology officer of Wunderman Thompson has described it in his testimony at Sitges Next 2021.

Reactive: It is the ability of the metaverse to be an environment of constant interaction between the users that make it up.

Decentralized: The main characteristic of the latest technologies is that they are not controlled under a single decision, but rather that they are distributed. In essence, blockchains or better known as they are the ones that will sustain the meta activities.

Permanence: It will be an environment in which it will not matter if we disconnect or not. This means that it will continue to work well whether under real or virtual activity.

Interoperable: As we briefly mentioned, there will be no boundaries between the different platforms offered within the meta. Therefore, all our virtual information will be interoperable.

Why is there so much talk about the metaverse these days?

The main reason why there is so much speculation around this concept is mainly because Facebook decided to carry it out as a future project.

However, it does not detract from the great potential it has for other large companies, especially in the ability to replace the way we use the Internet.

The primary objective that technology companies seeks, and it is the vision that Zuckerberg has, is to turn this virtual stage into the main means of the activities that we develop every day.

For example, it can be an environment through which you can make purchases online, make your food markets, purchase a service or be a tool for study.

What is the metaverse? And why is he talked about so much? – What is it
Metaverse, by Mark Zuckerberg.

It is definitely a concept that offers a wide range of possibilities, if today's technology companies know how to implement it in the best way.

It should be added that, as a personal opinion, it will also depend on the willingness of each one to collaborate with each other for a better result and a complete adaptation of the metaverse.
