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Why do pregnant women reject their partner?

Pregnancy is one of the periods most charged with emotional ups and downs, perhaps due to the hormonal disorder that it entails. Among the attitudes that future mothers adopt is that of rejecting their partner or at least rejecting certain characteristics of it.

Here are some reasons that explain the fact and how to channel it in order to live this beautiful stage in the life of a woman in the best possible way.

What is the reason for the rejection of the partner during pregnancy?

Although there is no scientific study to support any hypothesis in this regard, it is common among women to reject their partner during pregnancy. Perhaps a logical explanation points to the series of changes they are experiencing.

Being pregnant supposes a total alteration, from the first weeks there are changes not only of the body but also of the emotions, the uterus stretches, the breasts grow, nausea arrives and swings in mood and mood are provoked, an of the consequences of this, the repudiation of the couple.

This does not mean that rejecting the partner is a symptom of pregnancy, in fact, there are women in whom a strong desire to be in physical and emotional contact with the being they love is awakened. On the other hand, there are those who even cause discomfort by their mere presence in the room.

Probable causes of rejection towards the partner

Despite the lack of research that proves the reaction of certain women towards their partner, some specialists assume that hormonal disorders are responsible for the situation.

The increase in gonadotropin and progesterone during pregnancy notoriously contributes to increased sensitivity in future mothers, this being an inevitable hormonal change in pregnancy, it is perhaps the product of said sensitivity, which causes discomfort in the presence of or attitudes of the couple, creating situations of discomfort, which can sometimes end in conflict.

How to channel rejection towards the couple when a baby is expected?

The arrival of a child must be a moment of joy for any couple, future parents will see in the pregnancy the opportunity to bond and look forward to meeting that little person who represents the fruit of the love they profess.

But what happens when the rejection by the woman arises? In addition to creating a hostile environment, it is possible that this feeling extends to the newborn, resulting in rejection of the child, a common scenario of postpartum depression.

In this sense, the main measure to take in the face of rejection towards the partner is dialogue, sitting down to talk calmly and try to solve problems together, it can make a difference in this kind of situation.

Take an open attitude

Facing the rejection of the partner demands an open mind and maturity. It is a mistake to remain silent and try to ignore waiting for everything to happen, instead, it is convenient to explain to the person how you feel, what is happening and emphasize that the cause of this situation is unknown, which is impossible handle.

Consider the feelings of both parties

Both for the rejector and for the rejected it is difficult to face the situation, this is the reason why considering the feelings and emotions of the other is an excellent way to cope, after all, rejection can significantly hurt the feelings of the other the couple.

Analyze yourself

Stopping to assess what you feel and what causes discomfort, asking yourself if you did it before or if the discomfort is justified, is a good start to handle the situation.

Awareness is the key so that the problems that are experienced today do not have long-term repercussions on the relationship, occasionally a little introspection is enough to realize the exaggerated way in which one is reacting.

Seek help if the situation gets out of control

When the dialogue and the measures suggested above are not enough, the most sensible thing is to go to the doctor to expose the situation, in addition to being the ideal figure to better explain the reason why the situation occurs, perhaps recommend individual or couples therapy.

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Zootecnista, 7 años de experiencia veterinaria. Co-fundador de Webmediums, gestor ambiental y un apasionado por la vida #CoachEspiritual #SEO #LIVE #ElefectoFer

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