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What is vitamin D and what are its functions

It is an essential support for the health of human beings, it plays a very important role in the absorption and maintenance of calcium levels, it is related to the strength of the bones. It also intervenes in the functioning of almost all organs and tissues. Its contribution is essential for the metabolic processes of the intestine, brain, heart, pancreas, skin and lymphocytes.

Functions of vitamin D

The functions of vitamin D in the body are the following:

  • Expand the calcium absorption and the phosphorus in the intestine.

  • Fortifies the bones and teeth, making them healthier.

  • Prevents diseases such as obesity, diabetes, hypertension and multiple sclerosis.

  • It develops the production of muscles.

  • Prevents bone diseases.

  • Prevents neurological diseases

  • Moreover, all the countries located in Alorosis.

  • Chronic inflamation.

  • Prevents some types of cancer such as colon, breast and rectum.

  • Prevents early aging.

  • Improves cardiovascular health

Vitamin D deficiency

People who have a higher risk of vitamin D deficiency, are those that suffer diseases that cause a poor absorption of it. As are celiac people, those who take certain medicines such as corticosteroids, those who suffer from overweight, those who suffer from renal insufficiency or pregnant women. The youngest and older adults are at risk because they are less exposed to sunlight and when they are exposed, they are protected.

The symptoms of Vitamin D deficiency are:

  • Devaluation of calcium and phosphorus in the blood.

  • Ailment and muscular exhaustion

  • Weakness of bones

  • Osteoporosis in the elderly

  • Abnormality in bones

  • Anemia in children

  • Osteomalacia in adults

Foods rich in vitamin D

Vitamin D can be found naturally in almost all fish, as well as in other foods such as mushrooms, cheese and beef liver.

Liver Oil: the cod liver oil is capable of supplying the human body with about 10001IU per 100 grams consumed. Ingesting this oil always allows the body to supply Vitamin A.

Fish: it is an excellent food for humans because of the amount of minerals and nutrients it has. In raw fish is where the highest proportions are found and fat cuts are better than lean ones. The fish richest in vitamin D are: Atlantic herring, raw salmon, raw mackerel, sardines and tuna in oil.

Fortified cereals: they are part of the breakfast so it can be combined with dairy to provide vitamin D to the body.

Oysters: excellent for incorporating Vitamin D and other minerals such as selenium, iron, manganese and zinc into the body.

Caviar (Black and Red): it is another of the foods that provides enough vitamin D to the body. This increases if you consider eating it raw.

Enriched Soy Products: these products are usually fortified with vitamin D. By general or are very beneficial.

Salami, Ham and Sausages: these foods provide important levels of vitamin B12, D, copper to the body.

Eggs: it is very important to incorporate the egg into the diet in a balanced way. Among its contributions to the body is vitamin D, B12 and proteins.

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