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What to take for stomach gas?

If you're wondering what to take for stomach gas? You are in the right place. This problem can cause discomfort and pain, so it is very favorable to find a way to eliminate them naturally.

There are many causes of stomach gas, this may be due to the intake of air by the consumption of water or food. Fortunately, this does not present a major problem, but it can be somewhat uncomfortable.

Why are stomach gases produced?

As mentioned, the appearance of stomach gas may be due to the intake of air through water or food. At the same time the intolerance for some foods or medicines can lead to stomach gas.

In most cases these are released when we burp, so it is not a problem that requires a visit to the doctor.

On the other hand, some changes in our lifestyle can help reduce the appearance of this phenomenon.

If you are thinking what to take for stomach gas?, there are several plants such as cinnamon, fennel, ginger and more, which can be very helpful.

Check this article on food intolerance:

What to take for stomach gas?

The home remedies to eliminate stomach gas that we will show you below serve to eliminate the excessive accumulation of gas in the stomach. Among these remedies are:


This food has carminative properties, it can relax the gastrointestinal muscles. Thanks to this we can avoid the formation of gas, belching and swelling in the stomach. At the same time this infusion helps in digestion and relieve abdominal pain.

If you have diabetes, the consumption of ginger is not recommended, the same goes for people with blood problems.


• Honey.

• 250 ml of water.

• Sliced ​​ginger.

• 1 tablespoon of lemon juice.


• Place the ginger slices in a cup of hot water and let stand for 10 minutes.

• Strain and add honey and lemon juice.

• Take this infusion 2 or 3 times a day before the main meals.


If you ask yourself what to take for stomach gases ?, cinnamon is an excellent option since it has multiple health benefits.

It has antispasmodic properties that help relieve stomach and intestinal pain. It also dissipates gas from the stomach.


• Honey.

• 250 ml of gua.

• 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon.


• Boil the water, add the honey and then the cinnamon.

• Mix everything and let it sit for about five minutes.

• When serving you can do it with a slice of lemon.


Because it helps produce more digestive juices, it reduces the risk of stomach gas.

At the same time its carminative properties improve digestion, decrease flatulence and reduce swelling.


• 250 ml of water.

• 5 gr of cardamom seeds.


• Boil the water and add the cardamom seeds (If you like you can add a cinnamon bar).

• Let rest for 10 minutes, then serve.

Black pepper

If you have many stomach gases this remedy is perfect for you, with it increases the production of saliva, gastric juices and hydrochloric acid. All this promotes a good digestion.

Likewise this species is carminative, that is, it helps to eliminate gases and prevents the formation of more gases in the stomach and intestine.

At the same time it serves as a shield for bacteria that produce gases.


• Honey.

• 250 ml of water.

• 20 seeds of ground black pepper.


• Boil the water next to the seeds.

• Mix and add the teaspoon of honey, if you wish you can add mint leaves or coriander seeds.


Cumin has carminative, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties, so it helps to calm digestive problems and upset stomach. If you suffer from indigestion, flatulence and abdominal pain this remedy is for you.


• 250 ml of water.

• 2 tablespoons of cumin.


• Crush cumin so you release your essential oils, then add in a cup.

• Boil the water and add the cumin.

• Let stand for 10 minutes.

If you have stomach gas problems we recommend you use these infusions, as well as incorporate changes to your lifestyle (physical activity and healthy eating), in this way we avoid the inconvenience.

Written by

Zootecnista, amante de la música y la moda.

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