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The 7 best tips to buy cosmetics correctly

Maria de Piña
6 min de lectura
The 7 best tips to buy cosmetics correctly – Beauty – WebMediums
The 7 best tips to buy cosmetics correctly

Let's not deny it, all of us at some point had a makeup that did not favor us, and that is because we did not know these practical tips to buy cosmetics correctly. Well, although in tutorials you can see how to put on makeup, if you don't have the right products it won't be worth it.

The challenge of the perfect purchase intensifies when we see ourselves in front of a wide range of products from different brands. These have a different level of quality, even more different components and applications, which makes anyone doubt.

If we add to this the lack of knowledge about these products and poor advice from some promoters, we would be in a vicious circle of wrong purchases. But don't worry, keep reading and discover how to buy your makeup like an expert.

Keys to buy the right cosmetic

The 7 best tips to buy cosmetics correctly – Beauty – WebMediums
Keys to buy the right cosmetic

Sometimes they are small steps that we do not take, which usually lead us to a bad purchase, so take note of what you should or should not do when buying cosmetics.

1. Try the face powder or foundation before you buy

If you see that when you put the powder on your face you look lighter or darker, this means that you bought the wrong one. That is why it is vital to try it before purchasing it, because with the difference in brands, the tones change and it may be that just seeing it is not enough to get it right.

Another factor that influences is quality, since not all powders offer the same finish. Because of this our need to try them is even greater, and more so when you are buying a specific brand for the first time.

Do not be influenced by the comments of the sellers, check the quality for yourself. And for this, before leaving home, take your personal powder brush or a makeup sponge, to be prepared and apply the test on the face.

2. Study the cosmetic market

The 7 best tips to buy cosmetics correctly – Beauty – WebMediums
Study the cosmetic market

As I mentioned, there is a wide range of cosmetic products and different brands, but that does not mean that they are all excellent or that they favor you. And one of the worst mistakes when buying cosmetics is ignorance.

Before you go shopping, visit cosmetic stores, see what they offer, and then research their popularity on the web. Also, if you are buying online, do not forget to analyze the opinions of other buyers.

Whether you consult online or with a makeup professional, the most relevant points you should ask are the following:

  • Quality level.

  • What type of skin is it designed for?

  • Durability.

  • Components.

The second point goes directly to the purchase of foundations and powders, since the effect of some is better on a certain type of skin, that is, oily or dry.

3. Know what colors go with your skin tone

The 7 best tips to buy cosmetics correctly – Beauty – WebMediums
Know what colors go with your skin

This tip for buying cosmetics correctly goes straight to shadows, blushes, and lipsticks. Currently, the variety with colors has become almost infinite, but this does not mean that everyone favors us.

There are dark, brown, light and white skins, this counting on the hair tone they have, and for each one there is a color palette that matches their skin.

Going for the most basic, light skin tones look better in soft, neutral tones and in the cold range. But, on the other hand, the brown and darker skins go to the warm and even vibrant.

4. Consult your dermatologist

If you have delicate skin or have problems such as acne, vitiligo or another factor that has led you to see a dermatologist, you need to show them the products before buying them.

They will advise you to find out if they are the right ones or if you need other products that take care of your skin.

5. Assess your skin type and exposure

The 7 best tips to buy cosmetics correctly – Beauty – WebMediums
Evaluate your skin type in relation to your cosmetics

Something that we must take into account is that we do not all have the same type of skin, and this can affect our purchase.

The skins are divided into oily, dry and mixed, these being the basic conditions. The latter generally tends to be oily in some areas and drier in others.

Understanding this, we cannot let ourselves be guided exactly by the products that others use, since their effect on your skin can be counterproductive.

Do not reject the brand, but check if its effect is for your skin type. Keep in mind that most brands have product lines for each skin type.

In relation to this, you should also evaluate your routine, to which you expose your face, because if you have oily skin and you sweat a lot during the day, cosmetics should be anti-bleeding or waterproof.

In the case of dry skin, the cosmetic must moisturize. Also, if you are exposed to the sun for a long time, you should take care of your skin with a product with a sunscreen and moisturizing formula that supports all day.

6. Buy products that you do use

We love to see the transformations carried out by makeup specialists, but if you are not going to do that makeup for your routine, or do not want to work on it, why buy the cosmetic?

As you will understand, there is a wide variety of cosmetic products and tools that at first glance fascinate us. But in the end, we don't know how to incorporate it into our daily routine, ending up in a cosmetic box full of objects that we don't use.

Don't be afraid to try new looks and makeup, but make sure it won't be a waste of money.

7. Choose products that take care of your skin

The 7 best tips to buy cosmetics correctly – Beauty – WebMediums
Buy cosmetics that take care of your skin

It is worth nothing that you have a beautiful makeup for a few days, and after weeks you have your skin damaged.

It is a reality that many superficial beauty products trigger acne problems, premature aging, dryness and even blemishes.

The key to this is to opt for brands that care about skin care, these include their cosmetics, vitamins, sunscreen and other components that nourish, protect and strengthen your skin.

This does not only cover foundations and powders, but also lipsticks, eyeliners and mascara, which impact surfaces other than the skin.



