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"Elon Musk is the creator of Bitcoin," says a former employee of the tycoon's companies

Natashi Nakamoto already has a face according to Sahil Gupta

7 min de lectura
"Elon Musk is the creator of Bitcoin," says a former employee of the tycoon's companies
Elon Musk at a conference

We have all asked ourselves the question when knowing how the queen bee of cryptocurrencies was created, from "Who is Satoshi Nakamoto?" The mysterious creator of this coin that does not need banks to function, showing the innovation that we see today.

We have guessed many things from the tycoon Elon Musk, who is a person with an undeniable extraordinary intellect, who clearly raises a stir every time he takes his opinion on any subject, but this rumor is resounding worldwide.

At this moment when talking about Musk's creations and comments, his ex-employee's theory does not seem so far-fetched, that is, at this moment in the crypto-asset market anything is possible. And maybe, Gupta can explain a little more about his theory if you keep reading.

It is not the first time that this personality speaks about his theory

In previous years Gupta has shown his belief, and it is not something new in the community of Internet users who have long had several suspects under the hawk's eye to determine who is the creator of the entire system used for cryptocurrencies.

The message has been transmitted for almost 5 years now, and it has not stopped gaining strength even when many figures have denied various rumors.

Its disclosure began in 2017, after an alleged interview conducted by Elon Musk's right-hand man at the time for the hiring of personnel, and Sahil Gupta was rejected for the trade position.

This also makes many people argue that the man gave these statements for the first time out of pure Marxist revenge, but the truth is that he did develop his too conclusive hypothesis and this theory is giving more and more talk, to the point of compelling to Musk to give certain statements on the matter.

"Elon Musk is the creator of Bitcoin," says a former employee of the tycoon's companies
Elon Musk Enters Suspect List

The argument that makes us doubt

A man as intelligent as Elon Musk is the perfect candidate to be Nakamoto, although outside arguing this idea alone, the ex-employee of the Tesla companies put several cards on the table.

First, he stressed that Musk is an expert in the C ++ language, which is the code with which the cryptocurrency bitcoin was created, his clear understanding of several of the languages that merged have served as a global innovation is in the number one position of reasons to accuse him.

Now, apart from having this extraordinary knowledge within his curriculum, he also has the necessary capital to support such a project, at least when the foundations were being made for this cryptographic language to take flight.

Motivation was also part of this argument; Musk could have wanted to demonstrate in that year of the recession (2008) that it was not necessary to regain the trust lost by people regarding global banking entities, and that is why he created Bitcoin.

All this, just on the cover of what Elon Musk lets us see, and what his ex-employee clearly wants to highlight with this accusation.

"Elon Musk is the creator of Bitcoin," says a former employee of the tycoon's companies
The queen cryptocurrency continues with speculation regarding its creator

What else did Sahil Gupta give as proof?

The proof that has caused a stir by bringing this speculation back to the netizens' table, that perhaps Elon Musk is the creator of Bitcoin, is also offered by Sahil Gupta after spending a long time accusing Elon Musk for the first time.

In a blog he warned the entire internet about the evidence that said job interview did occur, attaching images or screenshorts of the conversation by email.

Where the conversation falls precisely on what he revealed previously. In the subjective dialogue of: "Before finishing... Did Elon Musk create Bitcoin?", He asked the man who conducted the interview, after a while thinking about it, about exactly 15 minutes, the man replied "Well, what can I say?"

Someone has already confessed to being Nakamoto

Over the years there have been several faces in the crosshairs that fit almost completely with the profile of Satoshi Nakamoto. Although we also remember the almost certain idea that comes in the form of a conspiracy theory that Nakamoto is not a person as such, but a group of wealthy and business-minded people who hide under that pseudonym.

So far Satoshi in his Bitcoin wallet has not made any transactions since his cryptocurrency added a dramatic boost, that is to say that he is someone who has been inactive for years.

His anonymous identity is like one of the clear foundations of his idea, but, in 2016 Craig Wright declared himself the creator of Bitcoin, something that nobody believed and that continues to be a mockery of the volatile market, he is even nicknamed as the supervillain of the cryptocurrencies today.

"Elon Musk is the creator of Bitcoin," says a former employee of the tycoon's companies
The reason that has been for years on the web to argue that Natoshi Nakamoto does not want to reveal his identity

Why wouldn't it be nice to discover the true face of the creator of the cryptocurrency?

Quite contrary to what is thought, the genius of this creator, or of these creators, will not be entirely applauded, since there could even be complaints from various governments because his invention made banking institutions lose a lot of power, and the control of the entire existing currency system.

And knowing it is not that it would give us a pass to paradise, it would not be very logical for a person who has wanted to be anonymous in his project because the protagonist is not him, but the community, to present himself to the eye of the world as something else than an entity that has made virtual citizenship.

"Elon Musk is the creator of Bitcoin," says a former employee of the tycoon's companies
Nick Szabo is the closest person to being Natoshi Nakamoto

Elon Musk hypothesizes who Nakamoto really is

Changing what had been believed a few hours ago, Elon Musk spoke on the subject in a podcast after the entire internet shook, because we did not expect the mogul to comment something on this specific topic.

He calmly states that he is not the creator of the cryptocurrency, but that he does have someone in mind as a probable creator, and clearly provided a name to possibly get rid of the pressure.

Musk says that the person with the exact figure and most likely to be Natoshi Nakamoto, is Nick Szabo, one of the world's largest blockchain researchers and crypto scholar. In fact, that theory might have a bit more logic than Gupta's.

One point we have to make, which could also be decisive in creating a clearer idea of whether Elon Musk is Nakamoto, is that he has been faced with serious problems and complaints about Bitcoin lately, and seems to almost hate it, albeit in the early part of this same year he was enthusiastic about accepting cryptocurrency in his company Tesla.

But this could also be taken as suspicious.

Although the doubts that Sahil Gupta gave us have resounded among Internet users, the truth is that they are not enough evidence to ensure that Elon Musk is the creator of the queen cryptocurrency, we may never know the creator or creators, and this does not have to be bad.
