Steps to buy a house

What is the best way to do it?

6 min de lectura
Photo by Larisa-K on Pixabay

Buy a home, is a board game in which several obstacles have to happen to that goal ideal. It is normal, feeling totally lost, and not knowing what to look for or where to look to get your same space; Whether for a person that you want to become independent or for a Couple who is thinking about a home to see your family grow up.

A house is the space covered by four walls, which, has several divisions inside and outside it, where a person passes most of the time It is a property for itself, which enjoys the owner as far as possible at its certain way.

Yes, it is, to make the decision of Buy, the person in question has to determine first, questions that benefit him, and to his ideas of a dreamed place. Because we all have a vague idea of what our house should have. Only that you have to develop it at a more specific and explanatory level, so that a professional can understand us and give us what we ask, or at least, something close.

But before dreams, there is also reality, and the stipulated according to the rules and laws of what should be done to be able to buy a house. In this article, we will start a basic guide for the personal finance allow you to do this task, in the best possible way.

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Number one: get a loan

Yes, disappointing that we should have a lot of money for this task. But that are the finance right? People start the process before with the head, and then with the assets, and it should actually be upside down. Search the Home you want to buy is much easier if you already have money saved specifically for that.

We must think what our ideas are profitable, that is, what we can pay at that time, and those that do not. Therefore, what is recommended for this type of actions are the loans. But, not those who ask for an individual person, no. We talk about lenders houses.

It is an excellent measure to be presented with a loan officer, which can advise you and find the best credit for you. Because in addition to that consultation you will let you know what you can be limited to buy your home. Although in the same way, that is a personal decision that you must take for you alone, the Officer Lender will only recommend options.

Now, if we can get the seal "pre-approved", we would already have the ability to advance the next step.

Number Two: Find a real estate broker

In reality, finding someone who specializes in the subject of property sales is not that difficult, since real estate brokers are always in endless competition from who sells more. That includes having an advertisement in many places, those advertisements have more than once fallen before your eyes while walking in the city or on social networks.

Although, research before finding a person with knowledge of this kind is also paramount, recommendations and good reviews in the same way, are important.

Your way of working will make you find the best available home according to your needs. Since, they work for commissions after selling you the house.

This step also entails:

The figure offered to the owner of the house, will depend on the initial price he has. The negotiations will be done by the Real Estate Intermediary, although many times, the owners and the interested parties are desired to have a meeting between them. But most of the time, the real estate broker after entering a specific number is offered to the seller of the house. The figure offered to the owner of the home, will depend on the initial price he has. Negotiations will be done by the Real Estate Intermediary, although many times the owners are desired and the interested parties come to own a meeting between them. But most of the time, the real estate broker After entering a specific number, it is offered to the seller of the house.

In this same offer document will be in the same way attached the loan permission "pre-approved", to report the owner of the place in which you are interested.

After sending the information, The important thing is that you do not change anything in your financial routine, no job changes, large expenses that make your bank cards overheat.

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Number three: Make sure everything is in order

Inspect the house methodically is essential, before reaching a definitive treatment, that is, before you buy them. Because when you firm that contract you can no longer have complaints to the ex-possessor of space.

So, what we advise is to hire a Professional Inspector, to evaluate the home and dictate a justified diagnosis to expose it to the owner and the goods runner Roots. Yes the property has internal problems that have not been seen by showing the house the first time, this will give you the right to lower the official cost to pay the expenses that would generate you to fix those problems.

Then, this takes you to a final negotiation, where you send everything to your place, already with the total number of everything.

Photo by JillWellington on Pixabay

Number four: Tomato a break

Already for this point, the only thing you should do is relax, and try to forget that transaction. Because the loan acceptance will take a little, and be aware every 5 minutes of your phone, it will not generate more than stress. For this point, the only thing you should do is relax, and try to forget that transaction. Because the acceptance of the loan will take a little, and be aware every 5 minutes of your phone, it will not generate you more than stress.

When you already receive the notification, in question you will know what the amount you will pay in the first instance of the transaction.

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Number five: Paperwork

Oh, the fearsome paperwork. Although it sounds so bad, what actually happens is that you have to sign a great mountain of legout, housing, real estate, etc. I should not sound so bad after explaining that.

By completing your participation in this affirmation transaction, the papers will be returned to the mortgage company and ready. You will be the owner of the property, you are already legally owner of your dream house.


0 min de lectura

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