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Was the Omicron cryptocurrency created after the discovery of the new variant of COVID-19?
Another absurd event regarding crypto assets leaves us with this doubt

A few weeks ago in South African lands a new variation of the virus was found that has plagued us since 2020, in global terms. This international bomb did not pass under the table for a second.
The name placed by the WHO, was a consequence of following the plan to use Greek words. For this reason, the name Ómicron was still on the list.
The appearance of a mutation already makes our hair stand on end, for obvious reasons. The surprise news also brought a "Boom!" From the world of crypto assets.
The Omicron cryptocurrency exists, and we know that you have doubts on this issue that has been loaded with a very high market lift by this virtual currency. That is why we have the full explanation of this fact for you. What are you waiting to continue reading?

Cryptocurrency is up 900%
News of the new variant hit hard at the end of last month, with one "Dark Net" coin racking up for the weekend.
With the market value of USD $60, the cryptocurrency reached the value of USD $100 in about 6 hours, to later reach the value of USD $700 more strongly. This in less than 42 hours.
The situation raised is not perfect news for Internet users, much less for people who really know about cryptocurrencies.
We have seen how stocks in the stock market or volatile market just for fun never bring anything new. And it didn't take long for Omicron to see the crypto thing go down as fast as it went up.
After two more weeks, today the coin is trading at a price of USD $57.70. With a loss of up to its listing number with which it started, before the information on the new variant of COVID-19 was spread internationally.

Omicron The Crypto Things
This was the name placed by the creators of this cryptocurrency, which according to its definition establishes that it is capable of conducting decentralized business, and is within the Arbitrum blockchain, which is within the massive web that is Ethereum.
It is a new cryptocurrency, which does not dictate many specifications beyond the fact that it can only be a negotiation if it is with the help of the SushiSwap swap, strictly.
Where the farming mode within the platform is the way to obtain liquidity from this token that we can get by the letters: OMIC.
And in reality there is nothing else, only that information provided, which should already serve as an alert for those people who run in search of a name and invest in it. Just by name.
If you do not have a preview of the reaction of the currency in the market, before investing, it is best that you do not make those impulses to give your money to a token with a name related to something that is giving people talk. Possibly, that association that your brain is making, will lead you to financial ruin.
It's simple, don't put your money in assets that you don't know how they behave, just because of the heat of the moment or very slippery fingers.
And more if not even the association is entirely true. Since, Omicron the crypto thing, was not created from the new variant of the coronavirus. This was a total coincidence, according to several people, but is it really something unplanned?

Coincidence that they do not fit within the Internet users
The virtual currency in question may have been created weeks before the news that the new variant was already in the territory of the country of South Africa, but it seems that it was in its honor.
Due to its sudden appearance in the market, Internet users think that beyond a coincidence it was something that had to do with the next coming name, if another mutation of the virus appeared that has kept us in quarantine for months.
The tribute is nowhere near an appreciated joke and the elevation of a coin in this trajectory is by far a total nonsense.
Omicron is not expected to resist the market, much less so now that Bitcoin, the queen of cryptocurrencies, has remained in decline. Exercising dead weight for the other crypto assets that follow on the list.
Soon it will go lower, lower and lower. Until the cryptocurrency keeps going below $1 or just drops forever and is never heard from again.
Although already the cryptocurrency market cannot be fully measured successfully. Volatility continues to surprise us more every day, and the useful life of a cryptocurrency that may have been born dead can be lengthened as long as a currency with stable liquidity and good foundations. Now everything is possible.

Those who gained from this cryptocurrency
Beyond thinking that the only beneficiaries are the creators of this token. We are totally wrong.
There are people who are dedicated to hunting sporadic liquidity with a heavy blow in just hours. These people know the capacity of the masses to run like moths in the light, and because of this, they are the first to arrive.
Not a good move? They hear the "Boom!", Fresh note, they run, they put their money, and they just have to wait for it to launch its price in a straight line, and then they take out their investment that has grown just what the coin increased in the short period of liquidity massive.
This is clearly an extremely risky activity, but already investing in digital currencies of this type is. Do you think you would be able to do it?
A question for everyone, which some may answer with ambition and others just out of curiosity.
We hope we have provided you with what is necessary to understand the subject and do not forget to share this note so that more people find out what happens with Omicron the crypto thing.