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What is Staking?

6 min de lectura
What is Staking? – Cryptocurrencies – WebMediums
Staking, investment haven

Staking as such composes a predominant phase of mining that is based on the capitalization and storage of a given cryptocurrency in a type of digital wallet.

It would be a form of mining without being specifically online every second, since this whole process would be done completely in the background.

This is one of the safest way to obtain a type of profit in the medium and long term, as long as you know in which currency you will do it and in what type of wallet.

When saying that it is part of the mining, he does not specifically do the same process, since it is used as a way of maintaining income only by depositing our cryptocurrencies in wallets, and for doing that they give us a type of profit percentage.

It would be a fairly comfortable type of channel for those thinking of investing in mining equipment.

How profitable is staking?

The profitability of staking is very profitable because, as we know, it is only a matter of having a specific currency of that use so that it generates an interest rate in our favor, as many of the times the physical banks of the world do.

They lend and collaborate to a user in a certain time and if they do not comply clearly they will charge their interests.

Although not so literally, instead of the user asking for a loan in some way blocking their cryptocurrencies in a wallet.

It is so practical that you only need to have one type of cryptocurrency in a digital wallet and nothing else, since that would be the only investment you would need to do staking.

What is Staking? – Cryptocurrencies – WebMediums
Staking, provides profitability

It is a simple, basic and moderately fast way to acquire profits without much trouble and without great study. Since many of the times the percentage of the profit can vary as long as the currency moves.

Profit percentages can be as high as 50%, but all of this can take approximately one to three months.

How does staking work?

Staking is a way of security for people who make exchanges, purchases and sales of a cryptocurrency as such.

The people who enter into this type of loan help to make the validation of the security of the transfers completely transparent.

This means that the people who choose this way of making money are not physically active on the computer or connected to a technological device such as tablets or smartphones.

The staking function begins with a computer that executes different binary codes to solve some algorithm and thus be able to validate the transactions of that currency.

The vast majority of users who choose to enter the world of staking are more likely to make a long-term profit, as they automatically become validators.

What is Staking? – Cryptocurrencies – WebMediums
Generate passive profits by staking

What are the coins to staking?


In short, Ethereum has been one of the most important currencies in the digital market and that has been the basis of inspiration for other programmers to create a cryptocurrency that achieves the versatility and security of this digital currency.

As we know it is a cryptocurrency that has bases like bitcoin that has its foundations in the blockchain. This cryptocurrency is important for staking because users have been informed that this type of cryptocurrency will come out with an update that will be called “Ethereum 2.0”.

You could be staking this coin that has a progression of thousands of dollars in the market, and that this would give an approximate annual profit of 5%.

However, they could not collect their passive earnings until they release the update as such, but many are already doing it with the hope that by next year they have a profitable future.


It is a currency as we know it with great versatility and flexibility when it comes to having transfers more than Ethereum itself, that is why it is in second place.

This coin has the ability to transfer a few hundred per second without any problem and with great security.

You have the possibility that when staking you can easily take your earnings the days, date and time you want without any rule that forces you to wait an estimated time.

What is Staking? – Cryptocurrencies – WebMediums
Ada staking


It is a currency completely adaptable to the formation and opinion of the people who trade with this token.

As there is a complement of opinions, each of these are taken into account, and they are accepted under the approval of each person who is in favor of the new norm or programming for this currency.

This makes it a very valuable coin for staking, as the only way to show whether you agree or disagree is with this method.


It is a similarity to Ethereum, but nothing compared, due to the fact that it makes its network a way of not using so many processes at the time of transfers and that the only way to do it is with many validators at the time of a transaction.

In this way it is referred to that it is only capable of obtaining its viability by validators and that it shows that they can do nothing more and nothing less than more than 60,000 transactions per second for each block that it is active.


This mode can be easily obtained in Coinbase, it gives you the opportunity to be a validator with a single currency of the same.

It is a project that entails a great mission and vision, which is to be able to make transactions of low denominations faster with a lower percentage of collection.

What is Staking? – Cryptocurrencies – WebMediums
Staking with algorand

Something quite noticeable for many who enter the world of staking. It is a very interesting incentive because this way of doing it is programmed to be simple in many ways of development, which we usually see in some digital currencies on the market.

It is similar to some of the most desired currencies such as Ethereum, which is based on being able to make a transaction as quickly as possible.

Este artículo está también disponible en español
¿Qué es el Staking?

Irene de Espinoza

Miembro desde más de 3 años

Soy productora audiovisual, amante de la fotografía y creadora de contenidos. Me especializo en criptomonedas, negocios y marketing digital.


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