Sexi con cueros: Ariana Grande enciende Instagram

 Jender Milano
2 min read

Es una de las mejores estrellas del momento, con 163 millones de seguidores en Instagram, Ariana Grande definitivamente llegó para dejar huella en el mundo del espectáculo. Esta chica, de apenas 26 años y que entre otros logros ha compartido tarima con la genial Barbra Streissand, siempre nos da de qué hablar, algunas veces por sus conciertos y otras por su sexi figura que sabe muy bien como y cuando mostrar.

Demi Lovato y Halle Berry impactadas por la foto de Ariana en Instagram

No solo sus millones de seguidores quedaron impactados (la foto va camino a los 4.000.000 de likes), también mujeres consagradas como estrellas sexis como Demi Lovato y Halle Berry comentaron la imagen, colocando emojis ardientes como reacción.

Hace apenas días, Ariana ganó uno de los premios más importantes de la industria como lo es el de Artista del Año en la noche de los Premios MTV Video Music Awards, un escalón más en una carrera que no parece detenerse nunca, además de ese premio, Ariana fue la más premiada de la noche con 3 galardones aparte de Artista del Año.

Ariana es una de las pocas estrellas a las que se le da tan bien la transformación de chica dulce a bombón sexi, en su Instagram se puede conseguir casi seguidas fotos de ambos estilos y siempre luce bella, las reacciones de sus seguidores y otros artistas así lo demuestran.

Ariana Grande es sexi sin rozar lo vulgar

Ariana sabe aprovechar al máximo el estilo y glamour que su cuerpo estilizado le brinda y nunca ha necesitado de desnudos o poses exageradas o vulgares, de esa manera en esta foto aparece sencillamente sentada con ropa negra sexi de cuero pero sin mostrar más de la cuenta, las botas altas de cuero y los tirantes cruzados en su pecho sin duda han sacado suspiros a millones.

No hay otra manera de decirlo, esta chica nació para ser una reina del espectáculo.


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Wizard James Is A Remarkable Crypto Recovery Agent!!!

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Envision waking up one morning expecting to monitor your bitcoin holdings, only to find out they've been pilfered. You feel like there is no hope left when panic sets in. So do not panic! Many people who have encountered this terrifying situation have found relief with Wizard James Recovery. Among these success stories is the one of a user who was hacked. They felt bereaved and left with nothing after their whole bitcoin assets were taken. But they looked to Wizard James Recovery for support. The staff at Wizard James Recovery was able to identify the stolen bitcoins and facilitate their safe return thanks to their knowledge and innovative methods. The user was ecstatic to see their missing bitcoins returned; they couldn't believe it. The adept specialists at Wizard James Recovery made it feasible for this genuinely amazing result. Losing or misplacing their wallets is another frequent occurrence for bitcoin users. It's natural to experience a sinking feeling in your stomach upon learning that your hard-earned bitcoins might be gone forever. But worry not—Wizard James Recovery has a remarkable reputation of assisting people in getting their bitcoins back after mishandling their wallets. One user thought they had adequately backed up their wallet file, therefore they accidentally erased it. When the panic struck, they looked to Wizard James Recovery for support. The group moved rapidly to retrieve the lost wallet file by applying their knowledge and sophisticated equipment. The user expressed amazement that their error had not resulted in an irreversible loss. They were able to access their bitcoins once more and continue their bitcoin journey with renewed caution because of the knowledgeable experts at Wizard James Recovery. You shouldn't take a chance when it comes to getting your bitcoins back if they are lost or stolen. Wizard James Recovery has consistently demonstrated that they are the preferred choice for people in these regrettable circumstances. You can entrust Wizard James Recovery with your bitcoin recovery needs because of their proven track record of successful recoveries, proficiency in the industry, dedication to confidentiality, and customer-centric practices. Email: wizardjamesrecovery @usa .com

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I was scammed of my hard earned money and I lost $921,830 in Bitcoin and ended up in the wrong hands. After learning that it could not be located or recovered, I was both frustrated and confused so I went on to look for a solution to my problem. I was on the verge of giving up when I came across a Google post, and to my surprise I was met with yet another disappointment of numerous reports similar to mine of various individuals citing the same issue to this hacker called THE HACK ANGELS RECOVERY EXPERT, that also functions as a Crypto Recovery Agency and recovers stolen funds. After collaborating with them, I was astonished to see that they had successfully recovered my $921,830, which represents my entire Bitcoin loss. The fact that I was able to recover all of my lost Bitcoin makes me really happy and thankful. They are the best in the business and you can find them on all platforms. Trust me, you won't be disappointed with their expertise and professionalism. If you're facing a similar issue with lost access to your cryptocurrency wallets, don't panic. Reach out to them, and they’ll help you recover it! You can contact them via:WhatsApp (+1(520)200-2320 ), or shoot them an email at ( They also have a great website at (
