Barbie announces X-Men dolls

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Marvel already surprised us this Saturday at San Diego Comic Con 2019 and now it does it together with Barbie.

Barbie joins Marvel's 80th birthday party with three special edition dolls. Whether you like super heroes or not, I'm sure you are going to love this special edition and if you like super heroes and also Barbie then these dolls will undoubtedly be your delusion.

Barbie announces X-Men dolls – Games – WebMediums

As we already know, Barbie always finds inspiration and this time it is no exception. At Comic Con Mattel has announced that Barbie will release three dolls in honor of the super heroines of X-Men and these are; Mistyque, Dark Phoenix and Storm.

Girl power in sight! The dolls will go on sale until October however, you can already buy them in presale for a price of $ 54.99 USD.

Barbie announces X-Men dolls – Games – WebMediums
Babrie x-men
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Barbie anuncia muñecas X-Men

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