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Cheese Steak Pie

3 min de lectura
Cheese Steak Pie – Gastronomy – WebMediums
Pie with meat and vegetables.

Savory cakes usually take some time in the oven to give the final finish. Today we will make a meat pie with cheese that requires time in the oven to brown this rich ingredient.

This recipe won't take you more than 1 hour, so it's totally doable when you have the ingredients on hand. Even for those days when you don't want to cook.

It's just about chopping, seasoning and waiting for the heat to do its thing. This recipe is great for making the little ones eat vegetables and in a good portion.

Stay with us, so you know the details, and can prepare this recipe in less than you think.


  • 8 mushrooms.

  • Parsley.

  • 1 leek

  • 129 grams of cow cheese.

  • 1 carrot.

  • 800 grams of mixed minced meat.

  • 6 potatoes.

  • Pepper.

  • 400 milliliters of tomato sauce.

  • 3 garlic cloves.

  • Salt.

  • 1 onion.

  • ¼ liter of milk.

Cheese Steak Pie – Gastronomy – WebMediums
Pie with meat, cheese and potato.

Preparation of meatloaf with cheese

This dish is quite profitable, you just have to consider a good mold so that all the ingredients can fit in.

For the filling

1. Clean the garlic cloves, the leek, the carrot and the onion. Chop them into pieces.

2. Put a little oil in a pan and seal them for 10 minutes.

3. At the same time, clean and chop the mushrooms into slices and add them to the pan.

4. Wait for the mushrooms to cook for at least 4 minutes. Do not forget to mix so that all the flavors are integrated.

5. Add salt and pepper to the meat. Add to the pan and wait another 5 minutes.

For the potatoes

6. In a pot, place salt and bring to high heat. When grass place the potatoes.

7. Now take the time and in about 5 minutes the potatoes should be ready.

8. Then, take advantage of the heat to remove the skin. Add salt and pepper and pass them through the food mill.

9. Add a little milk and continue mixing until the ingredients are unified.

Assembling the cake

10. In a mold, place a layer of purée on the base with half of the purée.

11. Add the vegetable and meat filling e. Apply a layer of purée again.

12. To finish, add a good layer of cheese. You can do it in slices or grated.

You can add a container with water to the oven, in case you are afraid that the cake can stick.

13. Bake at 180 °C without preheating and let the cheese gratin.

14. When the cheese is golden, it's ready! You now have 6 portions to serve to those present.

Cheese Steak Pie – Gastronomy – WebMediums
Slice of pie with meat and cheese.

The ingredients, in this case, meat, purée, and cheese, are most pleasing to the palate. With this you can disguise any vegetable you want to incorporate.

With this dish, both because of its aroma and its appearance, you will make everyone sit at the table. This way you can offer a great dish loaded with nutrients and very delicious.
