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How to make lentil soup

5 min de lectura
How to make lentil soup – Gastronomy – WebMediums
This dish is so versatile that there are many versions of it.

Today we want to show you how to make a lentil soup. Lentil is a grain that is characterized by being highly versatile, therefore, we will instruct you in simple steps on how to make the aforementioned delicious soup.

It is important that you know recipes, dishes and much more, since this will help you in your daily life. It will be easier to have a guide at home on how to cook, so you free yourself from thinking about food combinations and make your menus quickly.

benefits of lentils

Before taking the steps to make a lentil soup, it is necessary to know some benefits that this grain brings to your body. In this way, you will learn that by eating it, you will have more energy than you get with other processed foods or those known as "express menu".

It must be said that lentils are a typical Mediterranean dish. They are a reflection of a healthy life, of a balanced diet full of many nutrients, which is why we consider it optimal for weekly and even daily consumption. The benefits of lentils are as follows:

  • They are a dish rich in energy. They are considered an ideal food for those who practice some sport, in addition, for the smallest of the house, they provide all that strength that characterizes children.

  • Their fat content is practically non-existent, therefore, you can include them at any time of the day.

  • Lentil soup as such, you can consume it with any companion, this in addition to providing the energy of the grain, it gives you all the nutrients of the vegetables that you decide to add to it.

  • They favor intestinal transit due to their high fiber content.

  • By consuming this grain, your body receives 40% of the daily regulation of phosphorus, therefore, it contributes positively to the bones.

Steps to make a lentil soup

This dish is so versatile that there are many versions of it. One of them is the Mexican lentil soup, it receives this name because they add ingredients typical of this country.

This dish is a true delight and knowing the amount of nutrients it provides to your body, we encourage you so that it is not lacking on your table; either for lunch or dinner, you can eat it accompanied by cassava or banana in all its presentations. Do not stop preparing this Mexican lentil soup !

Traditional lentil soup

This soup is the one that is made in a traditional way, the one that is eaten on Sundays at the table with the family or that dish that is prepared for a rainy day. The traditional lentil soup has the following ingredients:

  • Onion, paprika, pork or meat chopped into pieces, potatoes, garlic, spices.

  • Its preparation is simple: Let the lentils soak the night before in a pot, you must leave them covered with water. In the morning, dump that water and wash the lentils, then, put them to boil over medium heat and when the grain softens, add the vegetables mentioned above and add the touch of salt that you prefer.

You see that it is very simple, this grain is the most docile, so to speak, because in some countries, lentils are not soaked, but are cooked directly, however, we recommend soaking them to save more time in cooking.

Mexican lentil soup

Like the previous one, the lentils must be soaked. This preparation must have:

  • Bacon chopped into squares and fried with onion and garlic, tomatoes with seeds, serrano peppers without seeds, tomato, chicken and avocado.

  • To prepare it, first cook the grain. In a separate pot, sauté the bacon with the onion, garlic, chili and tomatoes, then add to the soup and, finally, add the tomatoes with the chicken. Decorate the dish with pieces of avocado and a sprig of coriander.

A totally Mexican dish, but if you want to have more flavor of this land, you can buy a spicy one and when serving your Mexican lentil soup, add a few drops and a glass of Coca-Cola next to it, that's how they eat in the land of the taco and the enchiladas.

Colombian lentil soup

This Colombian dish only changes a few ingredients, it is as divine as any of the two that we already mentioned and we assure you that its preparation is as simple as the others. This soup has:

  • Potatoes cut and peeled, diced carrots cut and peeled, garlic, onion, beef broth, minced pork.

  • Its preparation begins with the grain. When softening a little, add the meat and then little by little the other ingredients are added until obtaining a thick texture and a good flavor. To accompany, you must have a plate of rice and slices of avocado.

Ready, we already have many lentil soup recipes ready, what do you say? Do you dare to prepare them?



