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Everything you need to know about yoga for beginners

5 min de lectura
Everything you need to know about yoga for beginners – Health – WebMediums
Yoga class

This discipline from India is responsible for cultivating the mind and body. The word 'yoga' means to connect, unite, harmonize and integrate.

This activity, which is becoming more and more popular, is no longer a simple practice for only fans of Eastern beliefs..

This is a process of continuous improvement, so it takes a lot of practice and time, so perfection should not be required when starting.

According to some studies, yoga practitioners who have been doing this exercise for a long time are the ones who confirm its benefits.

This activity has many types or styles, some of them are: Ashtanga, Iyengar Yoga, Anusara Yoga, Yin Yoga, Bikram Yoga. These depend on the ability of each person to perform the postures with flexibility and strength that is required.

Benefits of doing Yoga

  • Increased strength and flexibility

  • Reduces stress and anxiety

  • Relieves muscle tension and contractures

  • Reinforcement in postural education

  • Create a good relaxing environment

  • Take care of the body figure

Words Yoga Beginners Should Know

  • Namasté: It goes far beyond a simple yoga greeting. This is the reverence for the divine that is found within each person.

  • Asanas: These are the movements that are performed when practicing yoga.

  • Rooting: It is the balance of the body with respect to the force of gravity for the creation of a solid base in certain postures.

  • Ohm : This word encourages a vibration in the paranasal sinuses, skull and bones, which generates a certain well-being. This experience allows the person to feel at peace.

  • Mantra : This term translates to “occupy the mind”, since “man” means thought and “tra” means tool. Mantras are series of sounds that allow you to escape from looping negative thoughts. In this way, attention would be deprived of the “here and now”.

How to do yoga positions?

It is recommended that, before starting with the recommended asanas for beginners, it is necessary to record in the mind, the main foundation of yoga: "respect yourself".

It is important to respect the body limit, so as not to injure any part of the body, or get frustrated.

For this, you must maintain the affirmation: “With yoga asanas you must feel, not suffer”.

3 yoga positions for beginners

Vriksasana or "The Tree"

Vriksasana is one of the basic postures in yoga. However, it is very beneficial. The only thing that must be known to carry it out is that the gaze must be directed to a specific point, so that the balance can be maintained without any problem.

For this:

1. You must stand on the mat

2. Raise your foot and rest it on the thigh of the other leg

3. Your hands should take it to the chest

Everything you need to know about yoga for beginners – Health – WebMediums

Adho Mukha Svanasana

This is one of the postures preferred by those who practice this activity. The main benefit is that it tones the muscles behind the legs, arms and allows a wide stretch of the spine.

This posture is recommended to be done with the heels on the ground. In the event that entry is not achieved at the beginning, one must remain calm and not force the position. You should only flow and seek the well-being of the mind and body.

Everything you need to know about yoga for beginners – Health – WebMediums
Adho mukha svanasana


This is an essential pose for stretching the back and limbs.

The person should only sit on their heels, separate their knees a little and lean their upper body forward.

You should also stretch your arms and relax completely.

Everything you need to know about yoga for beginners – Health – WebMediums

tips for practice

  • A space in the house should be reserved that is ventilated, that the light is not intense and that enough space can be used to perform the asanas comfortably.

  • Before starting, all the material needed for the class must be prepared.

  • An hourly routine is preferable for this exercise, since this moment will be only for relaxation and without any discomfort.

  • Do not eat food before starting the class. Food should be consumed 2 hours before starting the routine.

  • Hydration should be before starting the class or after, it is not recommended during the exercises.

What is needed for classes?

In addition to connecting with the body and mind, certain elements are needed that will make the class much easier.

  • Yoga mat: It is not the same fitness mat as a yoga mat. The fitness ones are much shorter, and tend to slip. The yoga mat should measure approximately 60x170 cm, and about 3-4 cm thick.

  • Clothing : This comfort is key. It is necessary to use tight sports attire, but one that allows perspiration and allows freedom of movement. In yoga, shoes are not necessary, you are completely barefoot.

  • Accessories : It is important to have some cushions nearby, to be used when sitting in a meditation position or to perform certain postures. Depending on the temperature, a blanket will also be needed, to be able to wrap up while they are in the moment of full relaxation.

In this practice, each instructor has their own methods, so it is important to find a specialist center and a teacher that allows you to feel confident during the classes.

In yoga, exercises are proposed, in which the mind is forced to generate an unconscious change from negative to positive energy.
