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What is an e-commerce? Importance today

6 min de lectura

Businesses and different digital stores have been increasing every day. Everything is due to the ease of purchase and the comfort with which you can reach a variety of products from your mobile or laptop. E-commerce is a trend, and we show you everything about it.

What is an e-commerce? Importance today – Marketings – WebMediums
Shopping online with ease

Being able to review in detail the things we want to buy and then place the order according to what we are looking for, is the essence of e-commerce. The importance of these businesses and companies is that each year they grow more. Without a doubt, there are many who join this movement of digital commerce.

Statistics in Spain revealed that more than 70% of the inhabitants have made purchases online and this was only last year. Now imagine the results if we are based on the whole world.

The E-commerce or digital commerce, facilitates the contact of the different stores, which means that it is the push that the companies magnates of the online commerce.

What is an e-commerce? Importance today – Marketings – WebMediums
Digital sales more powerful every day

This business system captures the interest of some, not only to make purchases but also encourages and encourages the creation of companies with digital spaces.

There are many who join this new trend of generating income, and due to its great demand, it has made the competition grow more and more.

E-Commerce as a digital enterprise

Digital or electronic commerce is a system for buying and selling services or products, depending on the preferred niche. All these processes are carried out through the internet.

They are basically transactions of sellers and buyers through different online stores that manage collections and payments, in a totally safe and efficient way.

It is good to keep in mind that in any project or undertaking there are pros and cons, it means there are advantages and disadvantages that must be known.

If we compare it with traditional businesses or companies such as those we commonly know, the digital market has the same possibilities and even a greater scope than the conventional market. This is because we live in a totally technological world.

What is an e-commerce? Importance today – Marketings – WebMediums
Create your e-commerce with the best niche


You have the possibility of accessing a totally global market. So you can reach those clients that we consider potential, and that in another particular situation would become complicated.

Since everything is handled by the internet, advertisements and information, among other things. You can reach those customers from a comfortable place and have them make purchases, it could be mentioned that it is totally rewarding.

The niche that we consider potential must be exploited and thus be able to scale and position our business. Expanding the service or product offer without resorting to the need to make a gigantic investment is totally practical, and the result will be the same or better.

One of the main advantages of having our business in digital commerce is the reduction of expenses in terms of economic consumption of personnel and infrastructure.

They are very favorable details that you have with a business of this style, and you must keep it in mind.

What is an e-commerce? Importance today – Marketings – WebMediums
Your e-commerce from home


The great competition that exists within this market is totally impressive. Especially with the most prominent of digital commerce as the most popular brands within each line of products.

Another disadvantage that possibly affects our online store is hackers. These expose the data of our clients, being able to carry out cyber theft and causing it to directly affect the store that we are managing and serving.

Losing the trust of our customers is something that is not wanted.

What is an e-commerce? Importance today – Marketings – WebMediums
Your business can be totally digital

Profitability can take time to come, as the popularity of the business generally results from a substantial investment in marketing.

At first, it will be difficult for the store within the market to gain visibility, normally you will not get it easy at the beginning, but you will need to invest time and perseverance to be able to make yourself noticed if you manage to do it well.

Types of digital commerce that we can create

Within the conventional market there are different stores, as well as different products and services.

It also clearly depends on the need for which I know this market, the same happens in digital stores. There are many in their different themes for the needs we have.

Online store of own and original products

This is the most common and particular like any conventional physical store, showing the products or services of our Stock. With the particularity of a better presentation, minimal attention, since it deals with almost completely programmed online buying and selling.


This form of store within the trade is based on and is responsible for collecting the orders made by customers, collecting them and taking them to the wholesaler. This is the one that, after verifying the correct data, will distribute them, mostly based on the shipping service between the customer and the wholesaler.


A perfect example for this web platform model could be Amazon, since it is a well-known online store and this platform is responsible for offering a wide variety of products.

This company has the particularity of subcontracting sites that speak and offer their products, and thus they can generate income for each sale made.

In the same way, platforms can be created based on the same purpose of the aforementioned company.

What is an e-commerce? Importance today – Marketings – WebMediums
Design and create your virtual store


This digital commerce store seeks or is in charge of having recurring or popular sales through a periodic subscription model.

In this way, it will systematically send product offers to its clients, opening the possibility of accessing content that the client may want, as well as Spotify manages.


Digital commerce does not only sell physical products as we believe, there is a market where 43% of buyers want and purchase digital content.

This digital market sells consulting or training products, that is, studies, information, consultancies, courses, entertainment, among others.


The latter is not like the online stores that we have seen, since it does not sell products or services per se.

Well, this page fulfills the role of intermediary between the client and other web pages based on online stores, and for each sale that these users make, they earn a commission, just for making the reference.

What is an e-commerce? Importance today – Marketings – WebMediums
The best option for digital entrepreneurs

You definitely have it all to get started. If you are an entrepreneur and have a quality product or service, I invite you to create your own space on the internet. Don't let limitations kill sales.
