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What is color psychology in marketing?

4 min de lectura

Did you know that many brands use the psychology of color in marketing to boost their sales, how? There are many factors that influence a good business positioning, and the use of colors is paramount in most of them.

What is color psychology in marketing? – Marketings – WebMediums
Let's learn the behavior of our audience through color.

If we go to a vivid and transcendent example of the psychology of color in marketing, we have MacDonal's. Surely you thought, its traditional yellow and red colors help us to make a quick brand recognition.

For many years this franchise has maintained a standard color line. Where just by seeing both, we whet our appetite and give ourselves a treat.

Interesting, right! The psychology of color in marketing works that simple, everything is combined between the brand, the service or the product it offers and the meaning of the color or the sensation it produces in the viewer.

The psychology of color in marketing for business branding

Let's say that everything starts from home, a simple way; right at the moment of establishing the branding of the company, we will select the correct colors.

What do I want to convey with my brand? If the main objective is to sell, then we must make a good selection of colors. But, we must keep in mind that for each type of service or product, there are color palettes that must be combined.

You may be wondering, can customers be attracted only with my brand's colors? Well, really, yes! And that 's where colors come into play in marketing.

In fact, if we combine the digital age with the generation of entrepreneurs that we are seeing and living, we will find infinite color combinations according to each branch.

The psychology of color according to the service

Being more specific, for fast food businesses, it is common to see bright color combinations. Why? In general terms, they produce excitement in the client, they are inclined to want to try what you are selling and, of course, their appetite is whetted.

What is color psychology in marketing? – Marketings – WebMediums

If, on the contrary, you want to start a business that projects brand and fashion clothing, then you should not use bright colors at all. In this type of business, the colors vary, but for the most part, business branding is done with black and gray gradients.

What is color psychology in marketing? – Marketings – WebMediums

colors have meaning

In this segment we understand that colors visually identify brands thanks to their different meanings.

It is the visual aspect, the first impression that the audience or clients will take of your brand. Ideally, the combination of colors with the type of logo will always generate a recognition reaction.

What is color psychology in marketing? – Marketings – WebMediums

Color and emotion: What is the relationship?

In marketing, one of the most important factors based on the psychology of color is knowing how to channel emotions. The context of the brand is observed, the experiences that are wanted to be generated in the client and many other things.

Currently, a good marketing study defines the target audience exactly, and based on that, an exact population is defined. From there, you can determine who your biggest audience is, men or women? What are their ages? And what kind of emotions do they share with each other?

By defining all these aspects, we will be able to combine them with the complete branding design, knowing who your product or service is aimed at in a more specific way.

What is color psychology in marketing? – Marketings – WebMediums
Meaning of colors to human perception.

Let's look at the colors and what they represent:

  • Red: a color that often helps us with the call to action in advertising campaigns, it is identified as intent and powerful, denotes passion, especially in products that are often purchased on impulse.

  • Green: we all know that this color can lead us to tranquility, for many it represents harmony, calm and even optimism. Many brands use it with inspiration in the ecological, renewable, environmental and more.

  • Yellow: Well, it is certainly about greatness, wealth, it also houses emotions that go to taste or appetite with the combination of other intense colors.

  • Blue: a color that for many denotes firmness, confidence, intelligence, calm and serenity. Many technology or technical support brands use this color in different shades.

    What is color psychology in marketing? – Marketings – WebMediums
    The science of colors in marketing

    The same happens with the rest of the colors, for example: confectionery business brands use colors such as pink, purple, and white, associated with beauty, magic, and sweetness.

    If you want a good branding for your brand, determining the color tone that you will use in many digital media will be very important.

    The influence of colors on people can be much more powerful than you can imagine, today the psychology of color represents a lot for both designers and community managers, responsible for giving identity to many businesses.
