Premature delivery: Data you should know

Dan Mart
Dan Mart
4 min read

Mothers should be aware of the signals that their body can give in regards to the presence of a premature birth and that according to the advancement that there is a risk to the fetus is more severe and endangers not only the life and development of the baby but in some cases that of the mother herself.

Approximately 10% of pregnant women suffer symptoms of premature birth, so this condition should be known and studied in depth and be alert to, if necessary, see the doctor if necessary and stop, as far as possible , to the advancement of this condition.

What is a premature birth?

A delivery is considered to have come to term when it is between 31 and 42 weeks of gestation. if instead it has between 21 and 37 weeks, it is taken as premature, if the delivery occurs before 21 weeks is an abortion since the fetus does not have the conditions to live outside the uterus and after over 42 weeks It is called a late delivery.

Taking into account the period that is considered premature, it is better that the fetus spend as much time as possible inside the womb to ensure that the baby's life is without problems.

Normally premature babies can present neurological, cerebral, digestive and respiratory problems. They also have high rates of development delay and learning difficulties.

Premature delivery: Data you should know – Mothers And Babies – WebMediums

Risk factors and care in premature birth

There are no specific reasons or causes that can lead to premature delivery but there is a group of factors that should be paid attention to. Although they are not conclusive if they can cause this situation. Some are:

• If you have a multiple pregnancy, the risks are high.

• Conditions of the mother. These can be health: heart, kidney, thyroid, anemia, diabetes, serious urinary tract infections, among others. Or also states or vices that the parent has as: alcohol, drugs, stress, smoking, depression.

• Suffering from eclampsia or pre-eclampsia.

• Have a history of having suffered from a premature pregnancy.

• Perform many exercises.

• Becoming pregnant before age 17 and after age 35.

• Babies may be prone to reflux constantly, that's what we talk about Reflux in babies.

• The premature newborn babies in the future they will need complementary food. Read the following article to learn more about this.

What are the symptoms of premature birth?

Although many of the symptoms are similar to those of a full-term pregnancy what makes the difference is the time in which they occur.

• Be alert to vaginal bleeding especially if it is red and shiny.

• Colic in the abdominal region.

• Contractions that occur within a period of one hour, more than 5 are alarming or if they are constant and painful.

• Liquid that comes out of the vagina in the form of a drop or choro.

• Breakage of the source.

• Increased body temperature accompanied by chills.

• Ejection of a mucus from the cervix.

How to do a perineal massage

Some specialists may recommend certain relaxation therapies since the period of rest with a premature pregnancy is long and sometimes boring.

Mothers can also seek and learn a little about other techniques that help with the birth process such as perineal massage, a technique that increases the flexibility of the tissue of that area which generates an increase in the distension of the perineum.

However, before doing it or wanting to make a decision, it is important to go to the doctor and follow each of its indications, since the massage may vary according to your instructions or evaluations.
